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Sophia lay in bed and sighed. She knew that she was pregnant and how she had Scarlett and she knew how it wasn't going to be easy at all

Sophia just hoped that she could actually trust Freddie this time and that he wouldn't let her down as it hadn't been easy to get their relationship back on track after he left and Sophia knew that she wanted it to be okay

Sophia got Scarlett ready and walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Madison who looked to her and smiled

"Are you okay?" she asked her sister as Madison looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay. I'm certain that ziggy is cheating on me and I don't know what to do it's a mess" she said as Sophia looked to her and smiled

"I'm sorry I know how hard it's been and I know that you have Esme but just because you have a child together doesn't mean you have to stay together I mean look at our parents they had four kids and they didn't stay together. Your my sister and I want you to be happy and I don't think that ziggy has made you feel happy in a long time" Sophia said as Madison looked to her and smiled

"Your right. I haven't been happy but I have been trying for Esme but now I don't know why I bother. He hasn't even seen her for weeks and I feel as if I am doing all of this alone" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled before she pulled her into a hug and smiled

Sophia walked through the village with Scarlett and smiled as she saw Freddie as he walked over to her and smiled

"How's my girl" he asked Scarlett as she sat in her pushchair as she looked up at him and giggled

"She's being naughty just like her daddy" Sophia said as Freddie looked to her and smirked

"But you like me when I am naughty" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her and smirked as he looked to her

"I do" he said as he leant in and kissed her passionately

Sophia pulled away and smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she looked to him

"Promise me that you won't hurt me. Things are hard with Madison and ziggy just promise me that we will be okay" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"I promise" Freddie said as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her

Sophia got back to the flat and sighed. She looked to Scarlett and frowned as she felt a sharp pain hit her and groaned as Madison walked into the room

Sophia suddenly felt wet and uncomfortable as Madison looked to her

"Your bleeding" she said as Sophia frowned

"I think I'm loosing the baby" Sophia said. She was scared and she didn't know what to think. But was she really loosing her baby?

All that Sophia knew was just how terrified that she felt

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