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Sophia Lay on her bed next to Scarlett who lay babbling away. She looked to her little baby and smiled. Sophia was regretting that she had slept with freddie. She knew it shouldn't of happened but it did and now that it did she felt as if she had gave him hope for her the, getting back together when she knew it was going to happen. He had cheated on her and he had broken her heart and she knew that she couldn't go there with him again after all that had happened. After how he had cheated on her and broke her heart. Sophia didn't trust him and she knew that she couldn't put herself through that again. Sophia sat scarlett on her knee as scarlett grinned to her "your all I have baby girl, no one is going to come between us even if you look like your daddy" Sophia said as scarlett looked to her and babbled away

Sophia sighed as she walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Madison with baby Esmè and smiled as she saw Sophia. Sophia placed scarlett in her high chair and sighed as she looked for some formula and sighed "are you okay" Madison asked "no, Freddie is late on child support. She had no formula left and I have no money. I'm so tired and I just don't know how much longer I can do this" Sophia said with tears in her eyes. "Hey, your a good mum but you need a break, I'll get her some formula okay, and ask mum to look after her tonight as we are going out. You need a break and I am not taking no for an answer" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled "thanks mad, I don't know what I'd do without you" Sophia said


Sophia sighed to herself as she walked through the village, she looked to see Freddie. She looked to scarlett as she lay asleep in her pushchair. Sophia was hurt as she saw him. She was struggling with how much that she loved him and how much she wanted him back but every time that she saw him with Lindsay. She felt numb and hurt. She knew that as long as Lindsay was there that they could never be together. They couldn't be what they have before. She didn't want to go through the heartbreak again, not after everything that had happened


Sophia walked through the village. She walked to the garage and sighed. She looked to see Freddie and sighed "I've left scarlett with Madison, what is it" she asked as he looked to her and smiled "I'm leaving, I wanted you to know, I want you to come with me, you and scarlett. So that we can find a way to try again" he said as she looked to him and frowned "what do you man your leaving, what about scarlett" "we can all go together" "and if not, you leave her behind" "think about it" he said As he kissed her forehead as she looked after him and frowned. Asking herself if she could give up everything for Freddie or risk loosing him for good. Either way she lost someone she cared about.

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