High School Cliche (Shartney)

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So I've had this idea for a while to do a high school cliche and I was thinking I could use Shayne and do the 'high school jock' crushes on the 'quiet girl' so here it is. (It's a shartney fanfic by the way)

Courtney's POV

Another terrible day at my awful school. I only have like three friends and I have the most hopeless crush. Shayne Topp. Oh my gosh, he's just so amazing. It's too bad that he doesn't know I exist. 

I walked down the hall to my first period, English class. I don't really have any friends in the class except for Damian. He's a great friend and he's pretty much always there for me when I'm upset. He doesn't judge me or the people I like or the friends I have. If that's not a good friend, I don't know what is. 

"Courtney, you okay?" Damien asked. 

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just lost in my thoughts again," I replied to him.  The teacher cleared her throat and we all looked up for her attention.

"Okay, class, today we have a student joining our class due to his schedule changing. His name is Shayne Topp. So, because of his joining, we will be writing a couple of paragraphs telling him who you are, what kind of things you like, and a few fun facts about yourself. I'm giving all of you twenty minutes more or less to write these, and then we will read them aloud. Shayne, you will also write one about yourself," she pointed to an empty seat by me and Damien. I could feel that my face was tomato red and I couldn't move due to the shock of him joining our class.

"I didn't know you took this class. I thought you had Mrs. Summers?" Shayne said as he sat down next to Damien. 

"Nope, I've taken this class with my other best friend all year long," Damien said with a warm smile. I knew he was talking about me. Thanks, Damien. I looked at him and mouthed, 'You're dead'. He knew damn well I had a huge crush on Shayne and he just loves to rub it in my face because he and Shayne are such close best friends. 

I didn't dare look up to Shayne. Damien shook my shoulder, so I looked at him. 

"Be nice and say hi to your future hubby," he whispered to me. I punched his arm. I looked and saw that Shayne was looking at me. I shyly waved at him. 

"So you're the great Courtney Miller that Damien always tells me about, huh?" Shayne asked. I gave a confused look to Damien. He looked away and down at the paper that we were supposed to be writing. 

"I wouldn't say 'great' but yes, I am Courtney Miller. I don't know what he's been telling you but I think they're either bad or not true." I nervously chuckled. 

"No no, they've been good things, like you being the smartest in most classes, or you're a talented artist. I think those are good things. I can tell that the art thing is true. That sketch on your paper is amazing," He flashed a smile. I looked at the flower I had been doodling for the past couple of minutes. I grinned. 

"Thanks. I don't really have that much confi-" I was cut off by the teacher.

"Miller, stop flirting with the new kid and get on your paper." I blushed hard and looked all the way down at my paper. I started writing all I needed to and hid my red face with my hair. 

Author's POV

Courtney wrote her whole paper in a flash so she'd have time to sketch for herself in her journal. She had been working on a sketch of Damien and Shayne. She looked up every couple of minutes or so to get a look at their facial features. She had to make it perfect. 

Damien got finished with his paper and looked over at Courtney to see what she was doing. He nudged her and she looked up. She pushed her glasses up and said, "What?"

"Whatcha drawin'?" He tried to move her arm to see the sketch, but she snatched herself back. She shook her head 'no'. He made a frown on his face and turned around to talk to Shayne. Courtney sighed.

She couldn't let Damien see because the drawing was actually going to be Shayne's birthday present. His birthday was coming up that Friday and she had to make it a surprise for him. 

"Okay kids, time's up. Courtney, you're first." Mrs. Franks said. Courtney groaned and stood up with her paper in hand. She walked up to the front of the room and stuffed her free hand in her back pocket. She started.

"My name is Courtney Miller and I'm seventeen years old. I like things like drawing and acting. Some people say I'm good at singing, but I don't really think so. Umm, a fun fact would be um, I have a YouTube channel with a couple of my friends." She shrugged and the teacher clapped. The class joined in as Courtney went to sit down. A random kid in the class raised his hand.

"Yes, James?" Mrs. Franks asked.

"I have a question for Courtney."

"Go ahead."

"So what's this YouTube channel named?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm not telling. I guess you'll have to find me yourself," Courtney smiled.

James had a smirk on his face. 


The bell rang and everyone piled out of the class to go to their second period. Courtney walked beside Damien and didn't seem to notice James sneaking up behind her. First, he smacked her butt and then he grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hall, Courtney struggling to keep up. Damien tried to follow them but he got lost in the crowd. 

James put Courtney against the wall of the hallway and trapped her, keeping an arm on either side of her head. 

"Now you wanna tell me what that YouTube channel is so I can see more of your sexy self?" he asked, licking his lips. Courtney shook her head no. 

"Please let me go. I need to get to class," she whimpered. James clicked his tongue.

"I'm sorry but that just won't happen pretty girl. Now let's see what's under that shirt, huh?" He tried trailing his hands up her shirt, but he was stopped by getting a powerful punch to the face. Courtney opened up her tear-filled eyes to see Shayne standing next to her. 

He softly grabbed her hand and took her to the office. Before walking into the office, he turned to look at Courtney.

"Are you okay? Did he get anywhere? What do I need to tell the principal?"

"I'm okay. Umm, he did smack me on the butt but didn't get anywhere else. I'll tell her what happened, but I'd like you to be in there with me." Courtney sniffled. Shayne nodded and held her hand again. They walked in together. Shayne turned to the secretary.

"Can we see the vice principal?" He asked. 

"Of course! What happened?" She asked as she stood up to get the vice principal.

"A kid named James Conners tried to touch her. I had to hit him to get him off of her." 

"Oh, my goodness. Well, we will take care of this and I'll call your mom, Ms. Miller. You two may go ahead and enter her office. And you got a good boyfriend there. I'd say he's a keeper," she grinned.

As they both started to walk to the office, Courtney smiled to herself, thinking about what the secretary said. Shayne smiled to himself too, thinking that he could get used to this 'protecting Courtney' thing. Endearingly, he looked at Courtney and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.


HEY GUYS!!!! I'm alive and very proud of this story. I'm thinking about making a part two if you'd like it and I'll keep trying to update either daily or once a week. Thank you so much for supporting me and my work. I couldn't ask for more. 

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