Jealous (Wes 2 pt. 2

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Wes's POV

When we took off, I happily kissed Y/n's hand. She didn't look as nervous now and she calmed down.


"Yes, sweetheart?" I said looking down at the beautiful girl. She blushed.

"C-can I cuddle with you?" She asked.

"Of course! Come here." I said holding out my arms. She laid her head on my chest and bout an arm over my stomach. She fell asleep pretty fast. I fell asleep too. I think that I love her.

We woke up in the middle of the flight and ate some snacks.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked stupidly.

"No. Umm, I'll be single forever." She said popping a peanut into her mouth. I felt sorry for her. I hugged her close for a second. I felt her sigh into my chest. I heard her mumble something. It sounded like "I love you.".

"What'd you say?" I asked. She rode up again.

"Nothing," she said, "but I love you." She smiled. I couldn't believe it. She just said that she loves me. I hugged her tightly this time. She leaned into it and I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too," I told her.

"What about your girlfriend?" She asked. Ugh, Remina.

"I'm thinking about breaking up with her. I umm don't think that she's right for me." I said. I looked at a text that Lasercorn sent me. It was me and Y/n hugging each other while we were asleep. He didn't say anything else. I looked over at him. He and Sohinki were snickering. I chuckled and shook my head. She and I are adorable. I looked back at her. She was listening to music and reading. I decided to go on my phone. Someone on Snapchat texted me. I went into my Snapchat and looked at the sweet chat. The girl told me that she was very happy that I was a person and that I always made her laugh. I was also her favorite Smosh member. I sent her a happy emoji and she texted back. She said she had no idea that I would chat back and that it was her birthday. I told her happy Birthday. She said thanks and I turned off my phone.

When we got off the plane, I took Y/n and Damien to get coffee. I got Y/n a frap and a scone. Damien got some kind of coffee. We got our suitcases and walked around a little bit. I saw a Welcome to Florida sign and two stores. One was for Universal Studios and the other for Disney World. Y/n ran to the Universal Studios one. Damien and I followed her and walked in. There was a bunch of Harry Potter stuff. I saw Y/n looking for Neville Longbottom's wand.

"Here! I found it! Finally." She said. I chuckled. She bought it and we went to get our suitcases. Damien caught up with us. He really wanted to talk to Y/n. I got jealous.

Y/n's POV

"Y/n! Can I talk to you, alone?" Damien asked me.

"Sure," I said.

"Umm, Boze sat by me on the plane and held my hand the whole time. She even fell asleep on my shoulder!" He said excitedly.

"That's great! When are you gonna tell her that you love her?" I asked.

"I'm thinking about tonight."

"Ok well, good luck bro," I told him. He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. He skipped over to Boze and went to talk to her. I found Wes again and he had our suitcases. He looked a little mad.

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