April madness

455 7 1

"We barely see each other anymore!" Sam yells. 

"That's not my fault! We are busy" I snap. 

"It would be easier if we went public with our relationship" Sam argues. 

"You said you didn't want it public so we are keeping it that way!" I shout. 

"Maybe I changed my mind!" Sam yelled. 

Then there was silence. 

We sat there, glaring at each other with anger in our eyes. 

"Sam...I think we should break up" I state, catching him off guard. 

He looks at the ground with a slight sad expression, but it turns into anger again.

"Yeah, maybe we should" Sam snaps.

I scoff "Fine"


I grab my jacket and walk out of his room, storming outside to my car. 

I get in and slam the door shut, hitting my steering wheel. 

"Damn it!" I scream.

When I look up to Sams bedroom window he's standing there, looking at me with sadness in his eyes. 

I start my car and leave the driveway in a roar. 


As soon as I walk in the door of my house I quickly take off my jacket and toss it aside, take off my shoes and run upstairs. 

I go to my room and slam the door. 

When I sit on my bed I burst into tears. 

I felt sick. 

The person I wanted to hold me was the person I just lost. 

There was a knock on the door and I mumbled a quick "Come in"

The door opened to reveal Carlos. 

"Hey kiddo" He smiles. 

"What do you want?" I ask. 

"Okay, harsh, you can't give your favorite brother-in-law attitude" He scoffs. 

"Not in the mood" I sigh. 

"What's wrong?" He questions, sitting next to me. 

"Sam and I broke up" I cry. 

Carlos gives me a look of pity and hugs me. 

"Don't worry about it" He whispers. 

"Maybe it was for the best, we graduate in a month and a half..." 

"Which brings me to this..." Carlos sighs, standing up "Follow me" 

"Nooo, I don't feel like facing my family right now" I mumble. 

"I will carry you downstairs" Carlos laughs. 

"Ugh fine" I sigh, getting up. 

We walk downstairs to the living room to see Aspen, Rylee, my mom and my dad. 

"What's going on?" I ask.

My dad hands me and envelope and I give him a questionable look. 

"Open it!" Rylee yells with excitement.

I open it and pull out a letter, I unfold it and read it out loud. 

"Dear Claire Emerson...we are happy to inform you that you have..." I gasp and drift of from my sentence "I got it!" I scream. 

"I knew it!" Aspen smiles, getting up and hugging me, while I stand there staring at the letter. 

 "It says I've been chosen for early administration" I state. 

"Which means?" Rylee asks. 

"I leave April 17th" I say. 

The room freezes. 

"I would come back for graduation" I explain.

My mom gets up "I'm so proud of you" She smiles, hugging me. 

I'm leaving high school early...

I'm leaving my friends...and family.


I walked outside to my car and got in, taking a deep breath. 

My mom decided to post about me leaving soon everywhere. 

So I will be getting a lot of questions. 

It's been 3 days since the breakup and I've ignored everyones calls and texts. 

It was raining outside which also put me in a bad mood. 

Rylee got in my car and I started driving. 

It was silent until Rylee spoke up. 

"You'll be fine" She states. 

'I know...it's just hard to see the guy you just broke up with" I explain. 

Rylee nods and I pull into the parking lot. 

I grab my bag and get out of the car. 

"Hurry! It's raining!" I laugh. 

Rylee and I run into the building, laughing. 

"Ready to face a shit ton of questions?" Rylee asks. 

"No...But I have too" I say. 

Here goes nothing...

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