You and Me

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I sigh as I lay down on my bed. 

Walking around town taking pictures is exhausting. 


Mentally I was doing summersaults.

Just like my stomach. 

Seeing the homecoming pictures of Jacob and Rylee felt like a stab to my heart. 

Emmet hid them from me for most of the time. 

But I saw them on the way home. 

I got up off my bed and sat at my desk. 

I open my laptop and stare at the blank screen. 

"Come on Claire. Think" I mumble. 

College applications stressed me out. 

And this was one of the most frustrating papers ever. 

I close my laptop again. 


There wasn't silence for long, before I heard yelling from outside. 

I look out my window to see Rylee and Jacob fighting. 

I smirk watching the scene. 

 I'm such a good person!

Rylee ends up storming away. 

Jacob storms into his house. 

I open my window when I see him open his bedroom door. 

He looks over at me and I signal for him to open his window. 

He does exactly that and I sit in my window. 

"Rough night?" I ask. 

"You have no idea" He sighs, loosening his tie. 

"Not the perfect night all school dances are supposed to be?" I say. 

"Have you ever been to one?" He scoffs. 

I shake my head. 

"Wait. Seriously? You've never been to a school dance?" He asks. 

"Nope. Kayla doesn't like them and Emmet usually goes with a different friend" I explain. 

"So no guy has ever asked you?" 

"Well, they have...just not the right one" I explain, Breaking our eye contact. 

"Okay. Get changed, I'm taking you out" Jacob states. 

"What?" I laugh. 

"Change into a dress, We are going to have the perfect Senior homecoming" 


Before I can finish my sentence he closes his window.

I roll my eyes but change into a light blue dress and some black heels. 

I laugh as I grab my phone and run downstairs. 

"I'll be back later!" I yell. 

As I walk out the door I hear a quick "Okay" From my dad. 

Jacob is in front of my house sitting on his car hood. 

He's still in his suit and is smiling like a idiot. 

"So you drove your car in front of my house even though I could've walked across the lawn to your drive-way?" I ask. 

"Shush. It's the perfect night" Jacob smiles. 

He takes his phone out and opens his camera. 

I laugh. 

"Come on" He says. 

He sets a timer on his camera and we pose.

We take a few photos before getting into his car. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"You'll see" 


"This is beautiful" I say, in awe. 

We step up into the band stand. 

"I thought you would like it" Jacob says. 

"This was where my brother was going to propose to his girlfriend one day" I admit. 

"Ryland...I remember hearing about him..." Jacob says.

"Yeah. But why did you take me here?" I ask. 

He pulls out his phone and puts on a song. 

"May I have this dance?" Jacob asks, holding his hand out. 

I laugh but take his hand. 

He pulls me in and we slow-dance. 

"You're such a idiot" I giggle. 

He gives me a slight smile. 

" and-" 

"We broke it off" Jacob explains. 

We look at each other in the eyes. 

I pull away from him. 


Before I could finish my sentence, Jacob pulls me in and kisses me. 

My eyes flutter shut as I kiss back

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My eyes flutter shut as I kiss back. 

It felt...Right

We pull away to catch our breaths and I frown a little. 

"I can't be your rebound" I whisper. 

"And you aren't because Rylee was" Jacob states. 

"W-What?" I stutter. 

"I've liked you for years Claire! Rylee was my distraction because-" 

"You thought I hated you...." I finish his sentence "Even though I feel the same" 

Jacob looks up at me and smiles. 

"Really?" He asks. 


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