7. Beauty

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Welcome to Hyunopia!

The sky was bright with birds flying in the sky so free. The breeze was blowing and making the tall green and lucious grass look like a green ocean with a white wave of dust and beach sand making it a typical anime cinematic but it was so beautiful because it was a new reality. The Aurelian reality. The dazzling sea had some disturbances on the surface and out came Aurelia, a simple character, wearing a totally normal and acceptable clothing for anime and games, with Mother Goddess, the deity of Hyunopia.

All the players were taken to the "past" of Mother Goddess, Ayani, where the place where they were standing very quickly turned into a dark world with fires blazing all around and dark skies covered by smoke and the agonizing pain and torment could be seen, felt and heard everywhere. So much pain it was just to be close to it.

That was where Aurelia took advantage of the TVI which could instill foreign or unintended emotions and feelings into the player's mind and soul. It was potentially the best tool for patriotism but her dad wouldn't work for the government. "Happiness left the day you did", he'd tell his deceased wife while working everyday on his major project.

In the cinematic, humans before their time, 5 centuries back had been in constant war and suffering. There was no peace and everyone was killed. Men, women, children, cats and other pets. Nothing was spared and only one impure evil was the root of it all - Abaddon, the destroyer.

The origin of Abaddon was where Ayani came from. The God realm. It was inaccessible to the players, including even the beta testers. Only Aurelia, a character that's human, could enter the God realm. Of course, she's the boss so it's expected. This was the realm that God only knows and it was beautiful. Everything was gold, rubies, platinum, diamonds, emeralds, jadeites, every precious thing ever and most importantly, memories of the "deceased" were kept in the realm. Abaddon was chained in the realm surrounded by senteniels, about to be released after centuries of imprisonment.

Abaddon had the darkest, blackest deshivelled hair that absorbed all light. His eyes were the most painful fire that could burn the soul of anyone who looked into them. His hands were soaked in infinitely flowing blood, which, was the blood of all those who died because of him. The smell intoxicated him. He became lustful for death. He became death in the game.

The players had 200 in game years to get ready for his return. To develop, to prosper, to defend and to be the protectors of the new land from unknown enemies of unknown origins because only Abaddon was chained. No other creature like him was to be seen and no hint was given on where or how his subordinates and minions and their minions' minions would enter the new world.

Nothing could stop or delay his arrival and the only way was a head on war with death himself.

The entire scenery changed back into the beautiful serene world where they first entered like a page burning and revealing a masterpiece. The breeze was still blowing but it wasn't uncomfortable like the previous scene where it was scorching and the smell was unbearable. The sky was clear again and regular pulses of pixels could be seen every millisecond but only the players who had chosen the observer type of character could see it.

Aurelia then began with her wind like voice :
"Players, you already know what to do and that is to do everything possible to protect this world. I will speak no further. This is your mission to save Hyunopia from Death."

Then the levitating body of Ayani slowly descended toward the ground, slowly splitting and becoming smaller and smaller until the clones became as small as a finger in width and height. Each clone then sat on each player's shoulders and then a voice resonated across the ears of all the players.

"I am Ayani, the Mother Goddess. I shall guide you until I feel you are fit to be left alone. Shall we proceed?"

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