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Luke eventually stopped chasing Angelina, the girl he told me he liked in the eighth grade. I was very thankful. Now we were sophomores, in high school. I was 15. Everything was turquoise. Everything was calm as the sea. No more jealously. No more heartache. It was just Luke and I. Luke ,and I went to the beach today. We played in the water all day. We saw Angelina. We didn't care. The sun was starting to set. Luke ,and I laid on the beach. The sea was turquoise. We went home around 11:00 p.m. As soon as we got to the his house we plopped down on the couch. We watched movies all night as we cuddled on the couch. The turquoise glare of the television reflecting back at us. Everything was turquoise. Just like his eyes.


Hey! It's Me! Today is update day! Many story ideas have been flowing through my head. They would only work in this story. So, I have been thinking. I should start on a sequel. I already have this prewritten. And I just need to use them. Tell me what you think. Big shout out to all of you reading, commenting, liking my story. I love you all. I've always wanted to write a book since I was little ,and I can't believe 22 people have read my book so far. This means everything to me. Don't worry. My author notes will get shorter. :)

- A very happy Person :) :)

Fade~ A Luke Hemmings fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now