"But it's true Unnie. She is special. Don't you see the amount of power she have." Mina said to Nayeon with and excited tone. As if she just found a great discovery.

"Oh please Mina anyone can do that." Nayeon scuffed at her.

But this time Momo disagree with her. "Not everyone unnie. Elementals is one of the hardest powers to control you know." Momo said.

"Wow Momo! You've became smart." Sana said while patting Momo's back. She just smiled at her compliments.

Nayeon was in shocked of Momo's statement. Not because she was surprised that those words came from Momo the Pabo herself but because it was true and somehow Nayeon agrees.

Elementals are super hard to control. Since you can almost control anything even iron from deep below the surface of the earth can be controlled by it. She knows since they've learned it in class.

"It's also a very rare power. No one in this world holds the elementals power anymore." Mina added.

Now that caught Nayeon's attention. She smiled devilishly at the fact. She really loves studying powers and hearing Jeongyeon as one of the rare ones makes her happy. Not because she wanted to be friends with her.

But rather a test subject. She has been researching on people's powers since forever so adding elements in her research seems to be a good idea.

"Oh no. I know what that smile mean." Momo pointed at Nayeon.

"Unnie don't make her as your test subject again. What if she gets mad?" Sana said her tone was concerned as she tried to persuade Nayeon. But she won't budge.

"Oh please, that girl is easily fooled. I'll just tell her I wanted to be her friend and I'll test her secretly. She won't even notice. After then I left." Nayeon said while smirking.

"Wow Unnie Just wow. You're really doing it again. Haven't you learn from your past mistake?" Sana said.

Nayeon felt insulted by her statement. For Nayeon is fine to be like that and for what happens in the past well it suppose to stay in the past.

"Oh please that one was her fault not mine. Can we stop talking about this and get back to class. We are late you know." She pointed at the clock and went to her locker room to get her bag and went out.

The others did the same thing and rushed out of the locker room to the classroom. They were walking side by side until Momo ran with her super speed power.

But she bumped hard into someone. The girls gasped as they know who it was. Mr Ok Taecyeon the schools hall monitors. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Where you're going ladies? You're late." He look at his wristwatch. "Follow me." He commanded.

"Where Mr Ok?" Mina played dumb maybe this time he let it slipped.

"Stop playing dumb Ms Myoui. You're heading to detention." He told them. Nayeon was going to make excuses but Mr Taecyeon refuse.

"You guys are the third this afternoon." He mentioned. Making all of them confused.

"There's more?" Momo asked.

He just nodded. They arrived at the detention room. It's just a normal classroom but with iron bars on the window. The room was equipped with cctv and it could absorb the SuperHumans power so that they won't make troubles inside.

"Get in girls and consider yourself lucky today the teachers are having a meeting. So no staying over night for you girls" He open the door and the girls eyes went wide.

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