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bambi had been saving money for the day she could move out. yumi also had so instead of moving out into two separate places, they got an apartment together. a few people suggested they didn't so they could get used to their relationship outside of high school but they didn't listen.

they took bambi's bed because yumi's old room was being turned into a guest room by her parents. the day she graduated, she had told he parents that's she was gay and had a girlfriend. they had accepted her but there was a tension that had never been there before.

so, in their tiny studio apartment, they had a king sized bed and their other, smaller possessions.

bambi giggled as yumi fell on top of her, dipping her head down to kiss bambi softly but didn't connect their lips. bambi whined and wrapped her arms around yumi's neck. "yuyu, can i have a kiss, please?"

"hm, i don't know." bambi pouted and yumi couldn't say no to her so she granted her the kiss.

bambi, once she received her kiss, rolled out from under yumi so she could turn on music.

yumi watched as bambi stood up and danced around their tiny apartment. as the song ended and a slower one came out, yumi stood up so she could dance with the love of her life.

bambi giggled up at yumi as she grabbed her hands and started dancing with her. bambi blushed and laid her head on yumi's chest.

it was hard for them to dance in any other way because of their height differences. even if bambi wanted to wrap her arm around yumi's neck (which she did want to do), she couldn't because yumi would have to lean down too much for it to be comfortable.

"yuyu, i love you."

"i love you, my kitten."

they stopped dancing and sat on the bed instead so it would be more comfortable for them to kiss.

bambi sat on yumi's lap and pushed them back. she softly held both sides of yumi's face as they kissed. yumi's hands made their way to bambi's lower back but her arms ended up completely wrapped around her so she could pull bambi as close as possible.

"you're so tiny," yumi gushed after she broke the kiss so she could squish her girlfriend. "can i tell you a secret?"

bambi nodded and awaited to know whatever yumi was about to tell her.

"you're the love of my life."

bambi blushed and rolled off yumi's lap so she could smile into her pillow.

"you're my soulmate," bambi said softly and shyly because even though they both knew it, she was still a bit shy about saying it sometimes.

yumi laid on top of bambi, not putting all of her weight down so she didn't suffocate her poor girlfriend but it was close enough.

bambi struggled to turn around from under her girlfriend but she did. and wrapped her arms and legs around yumi. yumi felt like she suddenly had a koala clung to her.

"yes, my little koala bear?" yumi sat up on her knees, pulling bambi up along with her.

bambi said nothing and just pecked yumi's lips quickly. yumi smiled and kissed her back but for longer because how could someone only give their girlfriend one tiny kiss?

yumi's song for bambi is 'angel baby' by rosie and the originals

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