♡ 4 ♡

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bambi and yumi sat on bambi's neatly made bed. the huge white comforter was almost almost like a cloud for the two girls as they watched 'beauty and the beast' on bambi's laptop.

the cool night air blew in through bambi's open window. as the movie ended, bambi stood up and grabbed something from her closet and hid it behind her back as she sat back down.

"i got you something. well, i guess i guess i sort of made it but anyway, i hope you like it." bambi handed a little heart shaped bucket to yumi for her to look through.

yumi put everything on the bed as she looked at it. there was some of yumi's favorite candies, a small bag of chips, a shirt, some chapstick, and a tiny cat plushie.

"the shirt matches one i have." bambi grabbed the matching shirt from her closet. they both had a heart in the middle of the chest but bambi's was pink and yumi's was yellow.

"now i feel bad, you didn't have to get me stuff," yumi said even though she loved the shirt. "but thank you, i really love the shirt and that i can match with you."

"i know i didn't have to. i just was at the store and thought of you." bambi blushed and looked down. she had really hoped that yumi wouldn't think it was dumb. maybe yumi hated matching shirts, she didn't know. "i hope you like everything. i can take anything you don't."

"i love all of it. thank you, bammie."

yumi hadn't been planning it but she ended up staying the night. she really liked bambi's bed. it was tall and comfy and her whole room was simple. it didn't have much on the walls besides some pink fairy lights and the lesbian flag (which was the only reason that yumi was actually confident that bambi was a lesbian or even liked girls at all).

they stayed up late watching more movies and occasionally ignoring the movies to talk to each other because it was more interesting.

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