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yumi was laying face first on her bed, her face shoved in her pillow. jinyoung and youngjae looked at each other and then back at yumi.

"what is going on?" jinyoung asked while youngjae tried to roll yumi over. they weren't sure if she could breath and they wanted answers for why they had been called to come over.

"where's jaebum?" she asked, still motionless and flat against her bed. "i'll tell you when he's here."

after what felt like hours of watching yumi not move, jaebum walked into the room and yumi could finally start explaining.

"i want to tell bambi i like her but i'm scared."

"you two are in love! why are you scared?" youngjae asked but felt bad when yumi looked upset. everything that yumi had told them made it impossible to not know they both liked each other.

"i'm just really nervous that she doesn't actually like me but i think she does."

once giving yumi a pep talk, they had her invite bambi over so they could talk. they all gave yumi a hug and left before bambi got there.

yumi let bambi in and didn't say much until they sat on the couch. bambi brought her legs up to her chest as she waited for yumi to talk because she knew something was off.

yumi couldn't look up from her hands as she started talking. "i really like you, and everyone tells me that you like me too. i don't want you to be uncomfortable but, yea."

bambi didn't stay anything when yumi stopped talking. instead, she crawled over to yumi, moving her legs so she could straddle yumi. she laid on top of her and hugged her. "i like you, too."

yumi let out a breath and wrapped her arms around bambi. bambi giggled and looked up at yumi before pushing herself up to kiss her cheek.

"i really like you, actually," bambi said. she loved the feeling of yumi's hands on her lower back as they cuddled and was a bit distracted by that.

yumi kissed bambi's forehead and they both giggled. "will you be my girlfriend?"

bambi nodded and sat up so she could sit on yumi's tummy and lean down so they could finally kiss. bambi, who had never done more than peck, did what she knew and pressed a firm peck to yumi's lips.

"i don't know how to kiss, yuyu," bambi admitted quietly. she was a bit shy about it but she hoped yumi wouldn't mind.

"you're so cute!" yumi gushed and pulled bambi down so she could cuddle he adorable girl. "i can teach you whenever you want."

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