Arc 3 Phase 1 Finale: Learning the Truth Part 2

Start from the beginning

"So this "Chaos" is basically the ultimate being of evil?" Boruto clarified, in fact he finally remembered reading about that creature from the book that he photocopied back at the Suna Grand Library.

Miyuki nodded. "Yes." She simply said.

Things were pretty much getting interesting for the trio, especially Boruto himself, who wants to know everything that he can gained knowledge off, there are things that he wasn't aware off and since he can see the truth in this person's eyes, he knew that he can finally know everything from the beginning.

Miyuki then continued." There were many attempts to prevent its destruction from spreading across but all of them were considered failures. Eventually, only Kami has the enough power to matched the being itself and that fully cost his entire life in the end." She paused to gather her breath.


There was silence that took over inside the office, the trio were wide eye staring at the young woman. They all have the same reactions: Surprised, Shocked, and Disbelief. There was no way that Kami could be killed or gone that easily. He was the Kami-sama! the one that created everything and the powerful!

Himawari, was the one who was the most affected and shocked. All her life, she prayed every night to Kami, thanking him for the wonderful blessings, the protection, and the guidance for her family, and now she finds out that He was really gone. She didn't expected this.


"I really can't believe that Kami-sama had been long gone and everyone is believing that He's still here."


Miyuki then took another deep breath, she then continued her story once again." Kami didn't have the grudge against anything, He knew that a clash between him and the creature would destroy and affect most of the world, so he chose the safest way possible." She said.

She would go on to explained that the only way for everything to be in one piece is to seal the being away instead of destroying him and endangering everything in the world. Kami loved his creations and it was a difficult choice that would put everything in risk but he was glad that he chose this way.

"In order for Chaos to be sealed, everyone had to be cooperative, from the ancient human alliances, deities, tailed beasts, and celestial clans such as the Otsutsuki clan, had united for the first time to stop and seal the beast and they did managed to successfully seal it." Miyuki paused for awhile.

"So what happened next? What happened to Kami?" Sarada asked.

Miyuki closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her memories brought her back to the time of his sacrifice. She then opened her eyes and continued." When the beast was successfully sealed, it also left a very huge trail of destruction which left the world in its weakest state. So, in order to restore the world back to its original state, Kami willingly gave up himself and became that new energy that would sustained life to the world." She explained.

Miyuki paused here, letting silence gather in the room as everyone digested her words with varying degrees of shock. Himawari had also used the time to open and eat her small bag of potato chip to which she brought along. The trio were quite and simply staring at her like she had just told them that she witnessed every event in history. The wide eyed, jaw dropping expressions their faces held was enough that she began snickering, a little bit to which consequently brought them out of their shock.

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