The guard knocked on a door and waited. Soon it opened and a small galraen walked out.

"Yes?" She asked and Keith was very confused. She looked over at Keith." Paladin." 

"Who are you?!" Keith said.

"She's a healer." The guard pushed Keith forward." Prince Lotor wants him to be healed up before their next 'meeting."

"Yes sir." She said and pulled Keith into the room. By the look of her, she wasn't quiet Galra. She was more of a blueish than purple. A pale one too. She had long hair that was put into a bun sitting atop her head. She had pale blue eyes and long eyelashes." Come, sit." She said to Keith. Keith did as told. He sat down on the bed and looked at her." There's no need to look at me like that." She said softly." I'm not going to hurt you."

"Your a fucking healer! Of course you wouldn't." He said.

"No, that's not what a healer is." She whispered." The Galra don't heal, they shoot you with lightening." She wasn't kidding." I know your very important to Voltron." Keith perked up." That's why I'm going to help you escape." As if it was planned. Keith stared at her.


"I'm going to put you into a pod with supples and ship you back to Voltron." Keith could have cried and hugged her, but he kept to himself." But I will heal you." Keith braced himself to be shoot with lighten, closing his eyes. To his surprise there was something liquid being placed in his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw the girl was holding a cup full of green. He drank it all and hummed.

"W-what was that?!" Keith said wiping his mouth.

"It's called Progenine Gammatone. It was made to hurt only Galra but it's able to heal others." She said. Keith felt his body warming up and repairing itself. The taste of blueberry was still in his mouth and it reminded him of Lance." It will repair damaged cells or any where in the body that is in pain. For example your-"

"I got it." Keith snapped.

"Okay then." She said. She sat the cup down and stood up. She walked over to a bag." This has the supples you will need to get back to Voltron. About a movement worth of food." Keith was still confused but he didn't say anything." The pods are right outside." She said to him. 

"So what? I just walk out there?!" Keith said." There's guards out there, most likely listening in on us!"

"They can't hear a thing in hear." She said." They made the walls to thick. They didn't want to hear the screams."


"The lighten thing?" 

"Oh. Never mind then." Keith said." Well what about the guards?!" 

"Don't worry I have a plan. We have holograms here to mess with people's minds making them weak."

"How does that help?" Keith asked.

"We can make a hologram of you running out of the room, they will chase after you, then you run to the escape pods and well escape." She said.

"What if-"

"No 'what ifs'. Your going to do this."


"No 'buts'." She glared at him.

"But what if they kill you!" He finally said. She just stood there with his back to him.

"Victory or Death. If I die, I die and there's no going back." She said softly. Keith couldn't believe her, she even believed in victory or death. 

"What is wrong with you people?" She turned around." Victory or Death?! You could come with me! You don't just have to die for saving someone's life!"

"That's not how i was rai-"

"Who cares!?" 


"Escape with me. you don't want to be helping the Galra the rest of your life do you?" She looked pained by what Keith had said.


"Then come with me, back to Voltron." 

"I can-"

"Bullshit." Keith said." Why can't you huh?" 

"Because!" She yelled." Lotor will still find you and me!" Keith raised an eyebrow." He's planted trackers! In everyone! Even your Voltron friends." 

"H-how!" Keith then remembered what they had looked like before he left with Lotor." Rosalina."

"Even her." Keith looked up.

"YOU KNOW HER!" Keith yelled. 

"Yes, I do." She said.

"T-there's not a tracker is there?!" She nodded. Tears caught in Keith's eyes." No. Nononononono! No that's not true!"

"I'm very sorry but it is." She said. Keith put his head in his hands.

"How long does it take to make that Hologram?" 

"Around 2 doboshes, why?"

"Because we're getting out of here."

Galra Heat? Yep a KlanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz