Epic 2

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Yeonjun POV
I was sitting in my desk and when someone passed me speed walking to the teacher and I felt a soft breeze on my hair. It was Lisa the girl that every guy wanted but nobody could have. I started liking her at the end of last year because she was soo hot and pretty. But I wasn't sure if she liked me back. When I saw her sign up for the summer camp thing I knew this could be my chance to get close to her. So I swiftly grabbed the pen from her beautiful hands and signed up myself and my friends. Soobin, Hueningkai, Taehyun, & Beomgyu. By that time the bell rang so I walked out of the class to get a drink of water.
"Bruh why did u sign us up for that stupid summer thingy" Soobin said
"Yea come on...oh wait.. is it because of that girl again?" Beomgyu asked
"Ummm.. if u say so" I said giving them a smirk
"It's ok bruh we'll support u... I know how desperate u are" Taehyun said looking at the guys making them convince to go to the field trip.
"Yahh!! hey atleast we get to miss school " Hueningkai said.
"Good point" Beomgyu said

1 week had passed and we were waiting for the bus to arrive and take us to the camp. Lisa and I were so excited taking selfies and all, but we didn't know what was going to come at us but it was ok because we had each other and that's all we needed.
We hopped out of the and went straight to the clubhouse because our teachers said so. I swear half of our time and lives are controlled by the teachers making them do whatever they want with us.
"Ok students we will assign you your partners or the entire journey so girls line up on the right side and guys on the left"
Me and Lisa looked at each other with confusion about why are they splitting us up.
"Oh maybe they have a different cabins for the guys and girls"I said.
"Yea maybe, hopefully we are partners"said Lisa
Yeaa I hope so"I replied
But then the teachers put us back to back with the guys and told us to rotate until the music stopped. I was so confused of why they were doing this. Then the music stopped.
" Ok guys turn around and see who is going to be your partner"
I was in shock when the teacher(Mrs.Lee) said those words. Wait so does it mean our partners are guys!!
And we'll be in the same room as them. There were soo many questions running through my head. But then in thought I wouldn't be that big of a deal so I turned and—
"No no no nonooooo!!" I screamed without even realizing because my partner was Yeonjun😐.
He looked at me in confusion and tilted his head slightly.
"Umm.. is there a problem" he asked
I froze for like 5 whole seconds
"ohh no I—I forget to bring my toothpaste" I lied
" oh it's ok I brought mine you can borrow it, since we are going to stay in the same room" giving me a smirk.

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