Chapter 14

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I slowly open my eyes to a blinding light. Was being saved..... A dream? I look around the room and everything is white. I'm in a white bed with white blankets and an IV in my arm. Wait.. And IV? My heart begins to race. I'm still here.. I don't want to be.. I have to get out of here..  Without thinking, I rip the IV out of my arm and stumble out of the bed. I nearly fall as I put my feet on the cold floor. I sprint for the door and swing it open.

" Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to ask you to go back to your bed. You're not done healing.. " a woman say behind me.

She lightly grabs my arm and whip around, pulling away from her and falling to the floor . I need to get out of here. Fast. I get up and run.

" Hey wait!!" she yells.

Next thing I knew, I was grabbed by two strong men. The memories of being dragged back into my cell after getting beat comes to mind and I scream. I try so hard to get away. Their grip only tightens.

" Please... I don't wanna be hurt anymore.. Just let me go!! " I yelled.

Another male joined in on holding me down and getting me back to the white room. More images come to mind and I scream again. I get put back in the bed and my arms and legs are strapped down.

" Please don't shock me.. Please I'm begging you.. " I said as tears ran down my face.

The woman looks at me with disbelief.

" Hunny... You're in the hospital.. No one is going to hurt you. You are safe here. So please, try to calm down. " she spoke.

A hospital? That's where I'm at? So it was real? I really was saved... I stop struggling to get away and look down at my arms and legs. Both my arms were bandaged up and my legs and feet were too. I could see bruises creeping up my arms from under the bandages. My skin didn't even look normal. I lean my head back and wonder, can I get ahold of Dallas? I can try to remember his number.. Key word try.

I sit there for a moment as a few numbers come to mind. I look at the woman.

" C-Can I use a phone..? Please..? " I asked more calm.

" Why of course. You can use mine. " She said digging out her phone.

She unlatched one of my hands and give me her phone. I dial in the number and press call.

" Hello?" a raspy voice answers.

" D-Dallas? Is this you..?" I asked quietly.

" I'm sorry, who is this?" he asked.

I sigh, " I miss you. Please come get me. I wanna come home... "

The line is silent for about a minute.

" Jax...? " he says just above a whisper.

I break down, " Please come get me.. "

" I'm on my way. " He said, hanging up right after.

I smile and hand the woman her phone. I look at her name tag.

" Stephanie? " I asked.

She smiles and nods. Stephanie hands me a tissue and I wipe my eyes. I don't know how long it'll take for him to get here. I'm already feeling tired again.  Stephanie takes precautions and straps my arm up again. She covers me in the blanket and I instantly fall asleep.


I feel someone shaking me lightly. I shift and slowly open my eyes. I look over and see the Doctor, Stephanie, from earlier. She smiles.

" Hey there sweety, do you know anyone by the name of Dallas? He's looking for you. " she said.

I jump up, but remember my arms are strapped and I fly back down..

" I need him.. Please.. " I said.

She nods and leaves the room. Not even two seconds later, there he stood. In the door way. His hair is shorter than the last time I seen him. His eyes are the same piercing blue. Everything, I missed it all. He ran in the room and hugged me tightly. I broke down in tears again. I couldn't hug him back and that was breaking me. I tried to move my hands, but I couldn't. He pulls away from me and notices the straps. Right as he goes to fiddle with them, Stephanie walks in and removes them all, then leaves the room. She shuts the door.

I wrap my arms around Dallas tightly. He pulls me into a deep passionate kiss. God I missed this so much. Before it could get anymore heated he pulls away. The both of us panting. He leans his forehead on mine.

" I missed you... So much.. I am so sorry Baby. I should have told you what I was doing before hand. I wasn't going to do anything with her. I just needed to feed. I'm so sorry.. " he said, his voice breaking.

The memories before I left came to my mind. Then my mom. He doesn't know.

" M-My mom.. She was killed... And I was told that we're having a funeral and that I had to be there. I found out when I seen you in the bar.. With that girl.. When I got to Florida, he kidnapped me.. He did so many bad things Dallas... " I sobbed, hugging him.

" I'm gonna take you home. If I wasn't driving as fast as I was.. It would have taken me days to get here. "

After that, we got the sign out papers and we left. I was given a list of all the meds that I will be on and all the problems that I now have. The list goes on forever. It doesn't exactly. After to me at the moment. What does is that I am in the car with Dallas, on the way home. Finally.. I held on to his hand tightly. I sat in the front seat next to him. He was driving his Red corvette. I missed this thing. After about a day or two, I didn't pay attention, we were back at his beautiful mansion. I didn't have anything so I just got out and went right inside. Everything was the same as it was. Beautiful. Without waiting for Dallas, I went straight to his room. His bed was a mass, but I didn't care. I walked over, taking off the cheap shoes and just slid in his bed, covering up with all his blankets. They smelled so good. Like him. I love it. I feel the bed dip down behind me and a pair of arms wrap around me. They were gentle and not forceful.

I turn around and face him. I plant a kiss on his lips gangly and he kisses back. He pills me close and we pull away.

" I love you... I'll make sure to protect you this time. " Dallas said softly.

" Make me one of you. " I said.

His body tensed and he pushed me away slightly.

" I-I can't.. Living like this is hard. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. "

I looked down and nodded.

" Okay. " I said in response.

He pulled me close again, being careful of my wounds. He hasn't seen them all and he doesn't know what they did to me. I hope to never have to tell him. But I know that one day, he will ask and I will have no choice but to tell him. Lying wouldn't be all that great. All I care about at this moment, is that I'm here with him. Home at last, laying with him. Warm and comfy for the first time in so long. Not long after, the both of us feel asleep, tangled in the sheets and the cozy blankets.


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