Chapter 8

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I couldn't keep what my mom said to me out of my head. Was she okay? Did something happen? I hope not. I don't know what I'd do if something bad were to happen. I spent the rest of the day taking care of Aidan and waiting for a response from my mom, seeing if she's alright. Near evening, Aidan started to feel better and want to go the the bar. He asked if I wanted to go and I was up for it. I had to work anyways.

I sit here on my bed, waiting for Aidan to finish getting ready. He wanted to make himself look better than he has and try to find someone to hook up with.

" Now, just so you know, this is a one night thing. My emergency word is Peaches. Don't ask. If she wants more than what I'm willing to give, I'll text you the word and you'll call me saying you're in the hospital. Got it?" Aidan said as he walked out of the small bathroom.

I nodded my head in response. We both decided to take Aidan's car. It was smaller than mine. He owned a light yellow beetle. He was much taller than me, so I had no problem. He on the other hand, he was a bit too tall.

We both leave the dorm room and head down to his car. I slip right into the passenger side while he gets in the driver's seat. He starts the car and I turn on the radio. The normal pop songs begin to play and I leave it be.

" So you work there now?" He asked, eyes on the road.

" Yeah, I do. Dallas said I could. I get paid a lot more than I did. I got it mainly for the money. I needed it. " I answered.

I can see a slight smile form on his face. " Do you like him? You've been with him a lot. "

I shrug. Do I like him? I think I might. I always love being around him. Although, all we mostly do is sex, I still think I might be falling for him. We do have nice and comfortable conversations here and there and it makes me happy in a way. But the way his body moves when he's being himself, God it's so perfect. I've never actually seen him with anyone else since I've met him, so that makes me feel slightly better about being with him. Are we even a thing? I wonder.. I should ask him that tonight.

" Hello? You're spacing off and ignored my question. " Aidan waved his hand in front of my face.

I shake my head, getting rid of my thoughts and answer him.

" Yeah, I think I might be falling for him. No, I know I'm falling for him. And I'm falling hard.. "

Aidan soon parks the car in the parking lot. I notice we are at the bar. It didn't take as long as I thought. That's weird. Thinking makes time go by faster I guess. The both of us get out of the car and we both go in. I instantly regret walking in. And I instantly regret everything I thought or said of Dallas.

There he stood, making out with a girl. Full on. He was about to rip her clothes off in front of everyone. I could just tell. And it made my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, shattering instantly. Aidan gripped my arm. My phone then rang. I quickly pull it out and see that it's my mom. Oh thank goodness. This should keep my mind off of what I just saw.

I quickly pull it out and answer.

" Hello?? Mom??"

" Hey there champ, I'm sorry for what happened. To your mom and all. "

It was not my mom. It was her husband, my step father. Confusion filled me.

" W-what..?" I spoke.

I look over at Aidan and he give some the look of worry.

" Your mom was murdered. Did you not know? Her funeral will be in three days. I just wanted to call and make sure you'll be coming. "

My whole world stopped. My heart disintegrated. My mom.... dead..? That can't be.. It was like everything slowed down. My eyes wide. My phone slips through my fingers, my body frozen. My phone falls on the hard floor. My legs go weak and I go to fall over. Aidan catches me.

" Jax? Are you alright?" he asked me.

I couldn't stop the waterworks. My eyes began to fill with tears, falling down my face. I push Aidan away and  stand up right. I quickly pick up my phone and dart outside, getting in his car. He follows me and gets in.

" What happened?? " he asked again.

" I-I need you to drive to Dallas' place. I need to grab the few things I have and start packing...!" I spoke, my voice cracking.

He nodded and turned on his car once again. I gave him the address and he went there. We pulled in the driveway and I quickly run inside, going to the room I stayed in. I grab the few clothing I have. As I leave the room, I run into something hard. I catch myself before I fall on my ass. I then hear giggling. I look up and see Dallas with that girl. I push passed them, tried to anyways. Dallas grabs my arm, stopping me.

" Let me go! " I screamed.

He didn't.

" What are you doing here? I didn't give you permission to be here. " he said roughly.

" I was just grabbing my things and going. You won't be seeing me anymore. I'm leaving tonight. So if you could let me go, that would be great. " I nearly screamed.

" Yeah baby, let him go. You and I have things we need to be doing. Hehe..  " The girl said.

I ripped my arm away from Dallas and ran out of his large house. I dove back into Aidan's car and he instantly took me back to the dorm. Once inside, I go right to my room and start packing.

" Jax..?"

I keep packing, knowing exactly what he wants to know.

" M-My mom... She's dead.. Her funeral is in three days and I have to be there. I'm so sorry for leaving so suddenly.. " I said, my voice cracking again.

Aidan hugged me from behind. I stopped packing and turned around, hugging him back. I let my tears fall. My heart was broken from Dallas, and now my mom? This hurts so much. Soon enough, I had a plane ticket and I was on my way there. I didn't bother telling Dallas anything. This has got to be, the worst day, of my life.

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