Chapter 4

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" Alright, you should be all set. We are going to need you tonight so what you are wearing is fine. I'll send you your work schedule when I have it all figured out. " My new boss smiled at me.

I smiled back,  " Thank you so much! "

I shook her hand before I left the bar. Dallas wasn't there so I didn't get to say hi. Of course I have classes in about 20 minutes. Do I want to go? No, I do not. I did eventually make it to class without being late. I sat in my usual seat and paid attention to the subject. Not even 40 minutes later, I get a tap on my shoulder. I slightly look back at the person, still trying to pay attention.

" Yeah?" I whisper.

" Is it true that you're gay?" he asked quietly.

I freeze and my eyes widen. How does.. What? I look at him fully. 

"What?" I ask. 

He rolls his eyes, " Are you gay? Someone told me that you were and I want to know. "

I stare at him for a moment. Before I could respond, we were dismissed from class. I quickly grab my things and leave. Who would have told him? I don't even know the guy. And yet, he knows? Was I seen with Dallas? I hope not. This scares me. The only other two people that would have.... Aidan.. God damn it!!

I quickly make my way to my dorm, dodging other students. I was soon there. I unlock the door and walk in. Aidan is sitting in his chair looking over papers. I slam the door shut causing him to look up at me.

" You fucking asshole! Why would you do that?!" I nearly screamed. 

He just looked at me for a moment.

" What? Tell people you're gay? I did it as a warning. " he spoke.

" Are you high? And as a warning? What the fuck does that mean?"

He laugh and stood up, walking up to me. He towered over me.

" You need to stop hanging out with that stupid bartender. He's stealing you away from me! It's like we aren't even friends anymore! I'm sick of it!" he yelled.

" It's your fault I even met him in the first place! You forced me to get out of the dorm because all I ever did besides work! You wanted me to meet new people! And guess what? I fucking did.  You can't get mad at me for something you forced me to do!"

I was out of breath. I was raged. Beyond raged. Before he could say something, I spoke.

" I have work tonight. I do not want to see you there!"

I walked away and went to my small room. I place my things on my bed and take a deep breath. This is going to kick me in the ass. I don't want to re-do college all over again. This is going to tear me apart! God dammit!

I take another deep breath and grab everything I need for tonight. I change out of my clothes and put on something more appropriate. Not that what I was wearing wasn't, but still. I spray on some cologne faintly and put my shoes on. I still have about an hour before I need to be there. I might as well go now and grab a little snack on the way out. Yeah, I should do that. I grab my car keys and leave my little room. I walk out the door and head straight to my car.

I put the key in the ignition and start the car. Before I knew it, I was at the bar and already working. I was given tips and everything I needed to know how to do this. I spent most the night mixing drinks and serving people. Dallas wasn't here until about 11:30. I started at 8:30pm. Damn I need a break. But I don't really want it. I like doing this. I get to listen to loud music and talk to people I don't know. I made friends with the others real quick and it was awesome. They instantly made me feel welcomed. 

As I was serving, I feel someone come up behind me and grab my hips. I blushed slightly and I knew instantly who it was.

" Pour me a shot of Fireball please. " he whispered in my ear.

I nodded and got to it right away. I pulled out the large bottle of Fireball and pour some into a shot glass, handing it to him. He thanks me and walks off, smacking my ass of course.

Soon enough it was midnight and my shift was over. A nice young woman, about in her early thirties takes over. I take care of my stuff before heading to the door. Before I could,  my arm was pulled and my body collided with another. I look up slightly and my eyes meet with Dallas'  beautiful ones. Dallas places his hand on my lower back and pulls me closer, my body touching his. I feel my face heat up. 

" You're not leaving yet are you? I haven't had my fun yet. " he smirks.

My knees go weak. Fuck, why does he have to be so hot? Damn. Dallas chuckles a little bit and my eyes widen, remembering he could read my thoughts. My face heats up more and i look away. This gave him the perfect opportunity to attack my neck with kisses. He bites down slightly, causing me to flinch. I feel a warm liquid trickle down my neck. Dallas wastes no time licking it up. It turned me on slightly.

Dallas uses his free hand and travels it down my stomach and at the top of my pants. Before he could get anywhere, someone calls out to him.

" Dallas! You've got someone waiting for you and they won't take no for an answer!" a lady said walking up to us.

Dallas sighs and pulls away from me. He nods at her and she walks away.

" Sorry to cut this short Love, but I gotta go. I'll pick up where we left off when I see you again. " He spoke before kissing my neck one more time   and walking away.

I felt something in my chest and I did not like that feeling. Taking a deep breath, I pull out my keys and walk to my car. Pulling the car door open, I sit in the front seat and look down at my new erection. Great!


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