Chapter 7

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Dallas and I decided to just leave my stuff at the dorm just in case if I needed to go back there for any reason. Which I was okay with. I'm almost done with collage anyway. Aidan hasn't said anything to me about being gone and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I am currently getting ready for class. Dallas is letting me wear an almost see-through black button up shirt. I think it's sheer. I'm not sure. Correct me if I'm wrong. I made sure I had another black shirt under it. I put on some black skinny jeans and red high top converse. It's so weird to have bright red hair that match your shoes. I sometimes question my mom as to why I was born like this. Eh, I love it. Makes me different from everyone else.

Anyways, I fix my hair a bit. I check the time and decide it's time to go. I grab my car keys and walk out of the large house. I get in my car, turning it on and pulling out of the driveway. The ride there was extremely quiet. I didn't turn the radio on, which I don't usually do. I almost always listen to music.  Once I'm in the parking lot near my dorm, I wanted to grab my school supplies before getting to class. I'll be late of course, but at least I'm there. Quickly, I go up to my dorm room and unlock the door. I walk in quickly and grab my bag.

" Jax? You're back?" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn around and see Aidan. He looks like shit. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. Did I do that? Oh god I hope not.

" I-uh.. Yeah.. For class.. " I spoke, rubbing the back of my neck.

Next thing I knew, his arms were wrapped around me tightly. He was shaking.

" She broke up with me.. And you've been gone.. I've had no one! No one Jax! I was so worried! " He sobbed.

My heart was breaking more. God I'm so stupid! I should have came back here and not went with Dallas. I don't regret it, I just feel bad for not being here for Aidan. I'm such a horrible friend. Then again, Aidan did go around telling the school that I was gay. I guess we are even. Right?

I push him away slightly. He wipes his eyes with his hoodie sleeve. His eyes are now red and puffy from crying. 

" You should probably stay here. I've got class I need to attend. I'll come back here once they are over alright?" I said.

Aidan nodded and I left without another word. Walking to class was easy. I didn't have to deal with walking into people. But what I did have to deal with, is walking into class and people staring at me. The teacher just glared and didn't say a word as I sat down. The teacher went on with his lesson and I paid attention. Or tried to. I kept getting texts from Dallas. I ignored them. I shouldn't be on my phone in class. He's probably upset I left without saying anything.

The boy behind me didn't say a word to me. I'm kinda glad he didn't. Last time he ask me about being gay. I didn't like that very much. I kept getting a few glances from others however. Mostly from girls. They probably know and are trying not to think about it. I don't know how girls work so I could be wrong on many levels. I got a few glares too. I can already tell today is going to be messed up.

Soon enough, class was over and I was the first one out. All through the halls I was getting stared down. I'm guessing everyone knows now. As long as I'm not getting beat up for it and people are keeping mean comments to themselves, I should be fine. I was pulled out of my thoughts when an arm was placed around my shoulders and a body leaned up against my side. I look over and I don't recognise who the male is.

" Um could you please take your arm off me and not be so close? Thanks. " I spoke, trying to push him away.

He only pulled me closer. He leaned in my ear and whispered, " How about we go back to my place and have a little fun, eh?"

I elbow him in the stomach, causing him to let go of me and clutch his stomach, bending over slightly.

" Not a chance. Sorry. " I continued on walking and headed towards the dorms.

Once I'm back at the dorms, I walk up to mine and open the door quietly. I step in and see Aidan fast asleep on his chair. His eyes were still red from crying. It made me feel slightly bad. I set my stuff down, making sure to close the door, and walk over to him. His breathing was light, his dark brown hair all in a mess. He almost looked at peace. That is, until his phone started ringing. He jumped away and frantically looked around for his phone.

I pick up his phone and hand it to him, not looking at the caller ID. He looks at it and declines the call.

" She's been trying to call me for the past two hours. I can't deal with this. She broke up with me. And now she wants me back. " He sighs and rubs his eyes.

" I'm not sure what to tell you Aidan. I've never had to deal with this before. " I rubbed his back as I sat next to him.

He pulled me into a hug and started crying again. I somehow felt like it was all fake. Like he was just doing this to get to me. The ruin me somehow. But on the other hand, it's real. Like he's actually in pain and his now ex broke up with him. For what reason though? Will Dallas leave me for no reason? Are we even dating? I wonder if I'm just being used. I mean, him seducing woman, and I guess men, seems to be his job other than serving drinks to people. 

Damn, I should have thought about this sooner. Fuck, what am I gonna do? I don't have time to worry about that. I've gotta worry about Aidan. I rub his back some more, trying to calm his nerves. My phone vibrates once again and I finally take it out of my pocket. None of the texts are from Dallas. All from my.. mom? They seem to be worried text messages.

Mom: Jax, I want you to know that I love you.

Mom: If anything bad happens, stay where you are and don't visit me.

Mom: I am so sorry!

What? Her texts are so confusing. What does she mean if something bad happens? To me? Or to her?

" What is it? Are you alright?"

I quickly turn my phone off and look at Aidan.

" Yeah I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. "

I knew, deep down inside, that something was very wrong.


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