Chapter 6

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The next day, I decided to skip my classes. Dallas said we could go get my things in about an hour when he gets back from whatever he's doing. I slept in of course, and it felt great. It was a very comfy bed and just, ugh! I love it. I'm probably gonna end up getting a lot of text messages from Aidan. And probably some of his friends. I'm not really excited about that. As I'm laying here, I feel the urge to get up and look around. I slither out of the comfy bed and stretch. I straighten my clothes out and walk out of my new room. The house was really big, so there was a lot to explore. I'd be surprised if all the rooms were filled.

I soon made it to the kitchen. I just stood there, gawking over how beautiful it is. I'm guess because of his eating diet, he doesn't use the kitchen. Therefore it is always clean and unused. I love it! I place my hand on the marble counter. So cold and smooth. It had some gold specks in with the marble if you looked close enough. I love this place so much! I'm so jealous.

I got so caught up in looking at Dallas's kitchen, I didn't see him walk up behind me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him. I blush a light pink. He plants a small kiss on my neck before letting me go and turning me around to face him. I smile.

" When do you wanna go grab some of your stuff? " He asks.

I look at him in confusion. " Some of my stuff?"

He nods, " yeah, some of your stuff. "

" Oh uh, soon I guess. I gotta shower and change my clothes first. " I said, looking away.

Dallas moved my face so I was looking at him. He kisses my lips gently, but quickly, and pulls away from me. He takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom, which took about five minutes. This house is huge. He shows me his bathroom and my jaw drops to the floor. It's so huge! There is a large shower stall completely made of glass. On the other side of the bathroom is a large bathtub. There is also a sink and a toilet. The sink counters we also marble like the kitchen counters. The walls were all white with some gold designs here and there. It was so beautiful. I slowly walk in and look at everything carefully. There is a window, but it's not facing any other houses, so that's safe.

I walk up to the shower glass doors and open them. The water comes out from the ceiling and on the sides. That's fancy shit right there. I could actually live in this stall. Dallas walks up behind me and turns it on. It's almost like it's raining and I love it.

" Get in whenever you're ready. "

Dallas then walks away and I wait till its the perfect temperature. It soon is and I strip completely. I step in the shower and it was the best feeling shower I've ever had. The water was so gentle and soft feeling. I close my eyes and run my hands through my now wet hair. I hear the glass doors open an close. I don't need to open my eyes to know Dallas is now in the shower with me. He places his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him. Luckily I'm still under the water. It's so warm. Dallas wraps his arms around my waist and places his head on mine.

We stand there for what felt like forever. It was so calm, peaceful. I sometimes think, why do I deserve him? He could have anyone in the whole world, and yet, he chooses me. When I think this, I'm usually in front of a mirror and look at myself. Thinking of all the bad things about myself. All the things that I don't like.

I get brought back into reality when I realize Dallas is washing my hair. Once he pulls his hands out of my hair, I turn around and face him. He looks down at me, still having his blank expression. I smile up at him and rinse my hair out. Once I'm done, I clean the rest of my body. But that was kind of a waste of soap.

Dallas pushes me against the wall gently. I knew instantly what was going to happen and it turned me on. Dallas pushes his body against mine. He leans in and kisses my neck. He moves down and stops at my collar bone. I feel a slight sting, and a warm liquid goes down my chest. I almost let out a moan and Dallas knew it.

His erection rubs up against mine, and it only turns me on more. He then goes up to my ear and whispers in a deep voice.

" We can either fuck here, or in my bed. You choose. "

My stomach filled with butterflies. I've never had sex in the shower, but I'm kinda curious as to how comfy his bed is. I'm leaning more towards the bed, but I wanna have sex here. Oh god.

" Heh, the bed it is then. "

Oh fuck! That's right, he can read my thoughts. Well alright then. Dallas turns off the water and opens the glass doors. He steps out and I can't help but look at his ass. And holy fuck do I feel special. He's got one nice ass. Dallas throws a towel at me and I dry off before being quickly pulled to his bed. He pushes me down and walks to his closet. He pulls out two pairs of handcuffs. My eyes widen. I scoot backwards as he gets closer to me.

" Get on your hands and knees and face the bed frame. " he spoke.

I do as I am told. I get on my hands and knees. He comes around and cuffs my hands to the bed frame. I'm able to move them up and down thank goodness. Dallas then gets on the bed and is right behind me. He grabs my hips and pulls me slightly closer. One of his hands travels down to my erection. He strokes it gently, causing me to move backwards a little more. He leans in and kisses my shoulder, continuing to stroke my now painfully hard dick.

Dallas grips my dick and slowly starts to move his hand up and down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let out a loud moan, blushing a bright red. I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but I like it. A lot. Dallas lets go of my hard member, and spreads my legs a little bit and pushes my front half down so my ass is sticking up in. I feel him grab my hips and position himself at my entrance. He pushes himself in just a little bit and stops. I moan and try to move back, but he stops me.

" Please Dallas... " I begged.

He chuckles, " Please what?"

" Please fuck me... I need you inside of me.. Please.. "

With that, he pushes himself in all the way, harshly. I let out a loud moan and tug on the handcuffs. He slowly moves in and out of me. He started to pick up his pace and thrust faster and harder. I couldn't stop my moans. The bed moved along with our bodies.

Dallas reaches down as he's still thrusting, he starts jacking me off again. I arch my back slightly at the pleasure being spread all throughout my body.

" A-Ah! Fuck! " I screamed.

I didn't want this to end. But it soon did as I feel myself cum on his hand. Dallas' thrusts start to become sloppy and I soon feel him cum inside of me. I pant heavily as he slowly pulls out of me. He kisses my back gently and gets off the bed, taking the handcuffs off. My wrists are a bright red, but I don't care. I flip over so I'm on my back. Dallas lays right next to me, then pulling me close to his body.

I smile and cuddle right up to him. He tenses up for a moment, then relaxes. I now know of a fact that I have fallen in love with him. I know all that we do is have sex, but in the times that we don't, It always feels so natural. Like we've known eachother for ages. I'm always happy to be around him. I hope nothing bad happens between us. That'll really tear me apart.

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