Lexi automatically scoots closer to him and Harry wraps an arm around her and rests his other hand on her belly. I smile at that and try to ignore the guilt in my stomach because I didn't help Ariana through this like I should've.

"She must be exhausted." Harry said, mentioning my girlfriend. I nodded, telling him what he's said is true.

"She stayed awake most of the flight to care for me and Delaney. She's such a good person. I'm not surprised at how tired she is. I was tired just watching her be tired." Lexi spoke, chuckling at the end.

I smile and chuckle a bit too. "She works her arse off. I'm lucky to have such an amazing and hardworking lady."

"You bet you are." Lexi commented. "She's the best they get."

"Honestly." I smiled. "She is so caring towards everyone. She loves her grandpa so much and she treats her mum like a queen. Delaney has such a great mummy. She'd better know it."

Lexi grinned. "And she spends so much of her time trying to communicate with fans over twitter. I've literally had to take her phone away and make her go to sleep so she'd be well rested for her concert."

"She cares. I know she cares for me too. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. I care for her so much more though. She could never love me more than I love her. That's impossible. She's my rock, the light at the end of my tunnel, the reason I wake up with a smile on my face. I'm so deeply in love with her, Lexi. I love her so much more than she or anyone will ever know." I said, truthfully.

Lexi looks at me with awe. "She loves you much more than you know too. When she wasn't taking care of me and Delaney or on stage, she would talk about you and say stuff like 'I wonder what Zayn's doing?' or 'Do you think he's asleep?' She would smile randomly and even a blind person would know she's thinking of you."

My heart leaps in my chest, hearing this news. I know she loves me but it means a lot to hear it from others too.

"She's just- I can't even tell you how I think of her." I said, my cheeks hurting from smiling.

Ariana stirs and scoots closer to my chest. She adjusts herself in my lap and places her head on my shoulder more. When she speaks, it startles me.

"Why are you talking about me like this?" She asked and I couldn't tell if the sound of her voice sounded like that because of tiredness or sadness.

"Like what?" I asked, holding onto her tightly, rubbing her arm.

"You're saying these sweet things about me while I'm sleeping. I heard them in my sleep and woke up. Why are you saying these things? Don't you know how sensitive I can be?" She asked, sniffling.

I turn my head and look at her head on my shoulder. I look at her eyes and see them reddening.

I sit up more, adjusting her so I can look at her more. Concerned, I wrap my arms around her into a hug. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is. Just hearing you say so many sweet things makes me happy. Thank you for loving me. I love you." She said into my neck and there's no doubt she's crying.

"I'm so confused." I mumbled while rubbing her back.

I heard Lexi laugh. "She's crying happy tears you idiot." She laughed again. "It probably doesn't help that she's on her period either."

Ariana pulls away and blushes a bit. She sends her a threatening look but it's not convincing because of the moisture around her eyes. "How did you know that?"

"I know my best friend. You occasionally make these pained faces and hunch over. And besides, you told me you were cramping earlier." She said, smiling.

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