"Daddy, I'm not done with him yet."  I said while smiling 

"Where's Brooklyn and Erika?"  Carl replied 

"They are getting our stuff fro the house so we can leave when my job is finished." I said pointing to the house 

"Okay, don't hurt the old lady to bad just overdose her! Austin is your choice." Carl exclaimed 

"Got it. Have the plane tickets?" I asked 

"Right here." Carl said patting his pocket 

        I nodded and made my into Austin's house I wasn't worried about my dad because we've done this before he knew how to hide, Brooklyn and Erika were always on time. I made my way into the house and saw Meg cooking dinner. I needed to get this done.

 "Have you taken your medication?" I asked 

"Oh, dear." Meg said walking to the cabinets 

"Wait, I'll get them for you finish cooking dinner." I replied 

"Thank you dear , I'm so happy Austin found you." Meg said walking back to the stove. 

        I waited until her back was fully turned I then grabbed her medication and took 12. I had many different ways of doing this but I had to make sure she died slow. I took the medication and snapped them into little bits making it easier to crush. When they were crushed I filled a cup with water and scooped them in the cup. 

"Here." I said handing her the cup 

"Where's the med?" Meg asked 

"Oh, Its this thing I found on the internet you put them into the water and they dissolve making it easier on the person who's taking them." I replied "But you have to hurry or it wont work." 

        She took a drink.

"Thank you sweetheart." Meg said cooking dinner 

        I nodded and went outside for Austin so far my plan was working. Getting Austin in bed with me would be easy. It wasn't long till Austin came home, My feelings were all over the place but I couldn't let that get in the way. 

"Hey baby." I said kissing his lips 

"Why hello too you." He said kissing back 

        I looked at him and made my way down to his thigh. I was starting to get excited. 

"Are you okay babe?" Austin asked 

"Yeah, why?" I replied 

"I don't know your just different tonight... I like it."  Austin replied making his way up my shirt 

"Wanna go inside."  I asked 

"What about my grandma." Austin replied 

"We'll be fine." I said kissing him slower 

        I knew if I wanted him I had to be hard to get. 

"Please babe." I asked 

        I grabbed him in closer making our lips touch, I knew he would want more. I opened my eyes and saw Carl run across the field signalling it was almost time. I felt Austin move me in closer while walking towards the door, he opened it. When the door opened I saw Meg bending over the counter trying to mouth out words stupid lady. I pushed Austin upstairs this was going to be easy. 

"Alex." Austin mumbled biting my neck 

"Hm?" I questioned pulling off his shirt 

"I love you." Austin said 

        I didn't even bother replying, I pushed him on the bed and made my way down his torso. The fact that I finally got to kill him made my heart pound. 

"Baby? You love me right?" I asked 

"Yes." Austin said unbuckling my pants 

        I continued with my plan and got on top of him more making my way to my side of the bed. I had my knife in the drawer of the knight stand. Austin flipped me over and I was the one on the bottom. As he made out with my neck and seduced me with his touch I started to open the drawer, my hormones were all over the place. I grabbed the end of the knife and felt it for a while my was I excited! I pulled the knife out and sat up causing me to hide it behind my back. I kissed Austin passionately before putting the knife up to his neck. 

"I love you too." 

        And that was it. I sat up and put my clothes back on trying my best not to touch anything in the room. I looked at Austin one more time and gave him a kiss. When I stepped out of the room I saw Carl, Brooklyn and Erika waiting by the door. 

"Is he taken care of?" Carl asked 

        I nodded my head and looked at Brooklyn who was smiling and Erika who was on the phone. 

"Let's get on our way." I replied

"Very well, Your mother is meeting us at the Airport." 

        I looked at him and made my down the staircase. One hell of a ride I said to my self as I was getting into the car. Back to California. 


Plot twist omg. 

I want to thank Corin aka Pacheco because I wouldn't have written this book if she didn't find out about my writing so Thank you. I also want to say Thank you for all of the reads, I will be posting another book I just have to figure out the plot. Until then. 


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