chapter 13;back at far frozen

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Danny's POV(still):
Once we were back at far frozen, I told the horses they could go back to Pandora's. They understood and left. The class was standing there looking at me confused"what?"I asked. "Those horses understood English. Can they speak English too?"Dash asked."No most animals that are trained in the ghost zone can understand English and if you train them hard enough they can understand Esperanto. They can not speak English because they did not die as people. So they did not come back as regular ghosts. Yes I know frostbite and the other yetis. However, when alive, they were a tribe that lived in a very cold climate, they died when a huge snow storm hit where they lived. Since they were good people, they got the gift of fur so they could withstand cold weather, but it came with the cost that turned them into yetis, they were not completely good people so they did not get to be normal ghosts." I explained. After that I went inside the cave, with the other people.  We went to the dining room and ate lunch. After that, I asked frostbite if he has anything to do. He said there is a gaming room and a library. I've seen the library I just forgot about it until now. But I did notice a locked door which I just thought was a storage closet.
He gave me the key. I went back to the room all the people were in. I asked who would like to go to the library. Some people raised their hand. I told them to follow me and I showed them yo the library I went to the remainder of people who were. just team phantom, and some other students who didn't want to go to the library and My biological parents. I told them to follow me. We can to the door I unlocked it to see a bunch of gaming stuff. Everybody ran somewhere, well except team phantom and my biological parents. My biological parents just looked around the room until they saw a 2 player ghost buster VR game. They immediately ran over once they saw it. Valery and Tucker saw a 2 player hacker simulator and ran over to it."Wow, I can't believe I didn't know about this room until now " I said scanning around the room."Wait, you didn't know this was here?" Sam asked."Well, I knew the room was here, I just thought it was a storage closet and never asked about it. What I meant was I didn't know it was a gaming room until now." I explained. "Oh that makes sense...kind of." she replied mumbling the last part but I still heard it due to my enhanced hearing. "Yep, now let's go look around for games to play" I said excitedly, while grabbing her hand.

   Time skip:Yeet!(the vine I got this from had                 cursing so I only put part of it.)

3rd POV:
Everyone played games for about 3 hours. Danny stopped and checked his watch, when he heard everyone's stomachs growl.(A/N:he used the stop watch setting on his watch to track how time they were playing for he checked it 1 hour after they started playing but stopped checking it after that)"Anyone hungry?"Danny asked, already knowing the answer, but asked anyway, getting a few yeah's and raised hands. Afterwards, he went to the dining room with everyone following. They sat down, while he went to tell frostbite to get food ready. After Danny came back, 2 minutes later the food came. They started to eat. However, Danny finished eating before everyone else and started to think.

Danny's POV:
I just finished eating. My mind started wandering to thoughts of me being king. "So, my coronation is about a week. it will take about 5 days to get back to the Fenton's portal. I'll ask frostbite to give them phones that will only last for 4 and a half of those days, to keep them preoccupied. I definitely will give Mr lancer a phone too to him read books on. So he doesn't get bored, I will also secretly let him choose to keep it I'd he do not want to I can just give it to ghost rider. I'll give my biological parents phones with ghost hunting games." I thought. I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked up to see everyone done eating. They got up when o got up, they went to there rooms. I went to frostbite and asked him to make those phones, he nodded. I then went to my room, laying down next to Sam and slept. When we woke up, I went to get the phones from frostbite. Then went to explain to Mr lancer about the phone he was going to get ,the students were going to get, and my biological parents were going to get. He said he wanted to keep his. I nodded, then went to tell everyone else that the specter speeder was done. I explained how long the trip back to the Fenton's portal was going to be. They all groaned, well except for team phantom and Mr lancer. When we got to the room, I told them to get in. I waved bye to frostbite. Then I started to drive. However, before I stated to drive, I explained that each day team phantom and I were going to trade jobs driving, I was going first. I told them I put it in auto pilot when we all go to sleep. I explained that we have to wake up check on it every hour and a half, because that is how long the auto pilot lasts. After I told them that, I passed out the phones to everyone explaining to them how long the phones will be on for. I was done handing out the phones. I started to drive.

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