Chapter 1: The announcement - Part (1/2)

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A/N: image made by me
Danny's POV:
I woke up to my alarm clock. I groaned, hitting it hard. I opened my eyes, squinting at the alarm clock, noticing u smashed it to pieces.

"Jazz would of yelled at me for that if she wasn't in college." I thought, Rolling our if bed with a sigh.
Walking over to my closet, yawning as I opened it and grabbed my clothes.

-Time skip brought to you by me screaming,
[A/N:Past me decided that every time skip is going to be a vine reference.
Sitting in class, with Sam and Tucker at either side of me without Valerie behind me as I struggled to stay awake.
I was poked awake again, as Mr. Lancer walked in front of the class, before sighing, seeming a bit concerned.
"Listen up class," He started, causing very few to look towards him.
"We're going on a field trip.." He paused, with a knowing look as the rest of the class looked towards him.

Mr Lancer cleared his throat before continuing, "This Friday we're going on  Field trip. You will be getting a sign up sheet at the end of class, and Most of you will be meeting at the front of the school.."
I barely caught his glance at me, as I was poked awake again. I decided not too think too much about, being too tired to do so"
"We will be heading to the bus, in which we will be heading towards somewhere else, as our field trip won't be taken by bus-"
I was startled half-awake by loud cheers.
I immediately covered my ears, catching a knowing, concerned glance from Mr. Lancer.
"To kill a mockingbird, students, I wasn't done explaining! Not to mention testing is still going on in some classes, have some respect!"

I uncovered my ears, as Mr. Lancer cleared his throat, before continuing again,
"You will need to wear appropriate clothing, as not only is this still a school trip, but the place we're going won't be the best in your regular outfits."
I glanced at Mr Lancer confused, as he continued,
"This means no tight clothing, heels, crop tops, tank tops, shorts, expensive clothing, etc."
Mr Lancer paused, as I was poked awake again.
Most just started whispering about where they might be going or complaints about the dress code.

"Why would expensive things matter?"
I heard Kwan ask as I put my head down.
"The place we're going might caused those things to be ruined, as it is quite dangerous"
I glanced up, from my arms confused, before I jolted up now fully awake hearing a reply from the doorway.
"Nonsense, Mr. Lancer! The field trip will be as safe as ever! Especially with us there guiding it!

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