Chapter 4: Preparing

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Danny's POV:
"Can we check it one more time?"
Tucker groaned in annoyance, "Dude, we checked it 20 times!"

I sighed,
"Alright, let's just get ready for bed..,"
"Yboth know the drill, just go change.."

I walked over to my dresser, and grabbed a pair of PJs.
"Here Tuck"
I threw the PJs towards him.  He caught them, before nodding and heading towards the guest room.

I turned towards Sam,
"Do you bring PJs, or no?"

She facepalmed,
"Ugh, no. I guess I forgot to pack them."
I grabbed a shirt from the dresser and held it out for her.
"Lucky for you, my shirts are like nightgowns on you"
She grabbed the shirt from my hand and showed me out of the room, and closed the door. I rolled my eyes, smiling softly, before going to check on Tucker.

Walking towards the guest room, I saw Tucker just walk out with his PDA in hand.
"Hey Tuck."

He looked up towards me,
"Hey Danny, Val said she'll be here around 6:45 AM.."
I nodded,
"Her dad's still iffy about us then?"

"Yeah, but I have a feeling he's warming up"
I smiled,
"That's good."

He nodded, looking back down at his PDA,
"It's pretty late dude, we should get to bed.."

"Alright, Goodnight Tuck."
"Goodnight dude"

As he walked back into the guest room, I walked back to my room, and knocked,
"You done changing yet?"

"Yeah, come in!"
Opening the door,  I saw Sam sitting on the bed.

Walking over to the bed, I chucked,
"Well, you look comfy"
She rolled her eyes, before scooting over. I smiled, lying down beside her.
She snuggled up to me before we drifted off to sleep.

|Field Trip|Danny phantom|Fanfic|+4 Extra Chapters|Completed-editing In Progres|Where stories live. Discover now