I'm going to have confidence

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Sorry for not writing that much writers block anyways this is the last book and I'll try my best go read the first book first though not my last but on this whole thing maybe one shots don't know yet


Elodees p.o.v

After my anniversary date with Ashton it was perfect aside from my brothers embarrassing me so I decided I would come up with a plan for revenge I'm that kind of person who writes in my journal writing down my schemes this
Is my second one so far the first was how I got back at cailian it's nothing bad it's something she made up it's fun actually me and Ellie make plans how to get back at them but now it's they're turn we have to wait and so now I'm also going to get back a them

El's journal

First I need a plan and my first idea it to call over Ellie to help me with it I just gotta tell the boys that we are having girls night if they ask

That's step one

Back to reality I pulled out my phone and scrolled through contacts and found Ellie's number and called her


Hey Ellie

Oh hey el what ya need

Help me plan a scheme to get revenge on
My brothers

Be over soon

End convo

The present I'm back I thought about colouring
My journal make it nicer but decided I'll let my best friend help

I couldn't wait for revenge on my brothers
I was literally jumping up and down in excitement but I mean who wouldn't this is literally the chance to get back at them

Waiting on Ellie wasn't my best state so I just had to distract myself by putting music on and dancing

I'm not good at dancing but oh well will dance anyways, turning full blast I danced the roof of well not literally anyways I wonder how much times I actually used that word I won't say it again

Ding ding

Finally I couldn't wait any longer would've started without her which wouldn't end well

And just like that I dashed out the room down the stairs all the way to the door not stopping getting questioning looks from my brothers and Ashton since he just moved in not long ago
Of course he can't sleep in my room since he's a boy my brother rules

Opening the door for the person on the other side which was Ellie and people I didn't expect today cailan, Emma, Adelia, kayson, Jaxton and Ryden

"Ellie I thought it was just you"I asked Ellie who just shrugged and turned to cailan "and you Cail your barely here"I said scolding her she shrugged her and Ellie have something in common would ya look at that

"Did you explain to them"I asked Ellie she nodded and than again turned to cailan "and
Why are you helping Cail I thought you wouldn't help me with some like this"I said making her scoff but soften after

"We are your friends and of course I would help"she said giving me a big hug I smiled nodding "and stop making it seem so dramatic like a movie when it's a sad ending"she said making the others laugh

"Whatever anyways sneak to my room boys"I demanded the last part quietly they nodded all and left upstairs

"Bros me and my friends are going upstairs"I told them

"No boys"they all said in an unison especially
Ashton well he's possessives and really jealous person but I understand

"Whatever"I replied only to get a response saying they were serious

And strolled upstairs into my bed room my friends plus best friend Ellie sat on the bed except the boys Ellie knew I didn't want them on my bed she knows me to well

Wanna know why cooties Well Ashton's an exception

"Well point out ideas while I write them down so brain storm yeah?"I asked them they all nodded and we got right to it

Jaxton shot his hand up In the air making me ignore him on purpose for fun as cailan decided she would suggest something since she's really got at it

"Get them back by giving them wedges and putting flour down they're pants and water"she suggested

"That's a good suggestion anymore"I said Ellie's hand shot it also while Jaxtons stayed up

"Ellie"I said her name

"We can pour water a lot on them then flour them or we can even get a dog to pee on them"she suggested making me laugh and shake my head

"That's good yeah I'll keep that In mind"i stated and just like that adelias hand shot up while yet still Jaxtons stayed up

"What ya got?"I asked her

"How about we give him a wet willy or a swirly"she suggested earning a few giggled from Jaxton

We looked at him questionably he just giggled again making us shrug and continue just like that "I like that but wet willies aren't that good but swirly later for the future"I replied

They all nodded and than Jaxtons hand was the only hand up no one but his so I sighed just because I like to tease the dude "fine Jaxs what's yours"I asked him making him look at me evilly

"Find out they're secrets"he suggested and just like that I was in smiling evilly just like him he patted my back saying "now your just like me"he said evilly making them all laugh

All the rest left I never really talked to ryden
Ellie stayed behind to help me lay out the plans

El's journal

Idea is to find secrets but steps first

Step one: listen on every conversations to find
Information on

Step two: once done finding one we wait for a family dinner and drop the bomb

Okay seriously it's a small plan but it's still important

Wait forgot one

Step three: celebrate victory be careful just in case they have revenge

That's good Ellie exclaimed beside me hugging me "that's a good plan El let's start"she said enthusiastically

I nodded as we linked arms walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where my brothers and Ashton are they were all sat down already

"Hey babe and El"Ashton greeted us kissing me on the cheek which only resulted in a ew my eyes comment typical am I right? Yeah of course I am

"Hey Ashy"I greeted smiling making him smile showing his dimples

"I love that nickname"he said as he pulled out my chair making sure it was okay to sit on and how could I forget overprotective also

I thanked him he also did Ellie's just being the kind of gentleman he is he's not a woman so obviously he's not an gentlewomen which sounds weird

She thanked him as we all ate and just talked it was funny when we left we decided to hid and hang back to look for something a secret of course we didn't find one guess we have to keep trying

I'm going to have confidence

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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