Arc 3: Learning the Truth Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Go ahead." She simply said.

Ayame then took a deep breath and open her mouth." Well, I just want to know on how did you managed to become successful in life?" She finally asked the question.

Miyuki then widened her eyes in surprised. She'd never expected to hear this from the girl and this was something new to her compare to the usual questions that people asked about her.

"What do you mean Ayame?" She asked.

"Well, You're really successful in terms of how you handle yourself, especially how you make your life stable, plus you have a clinic of your own!" She explained.

"I mean... How do you that?" She added.

Miyuki just sighed and gave a slight smile." Well, it's quite simple Ayame." She said.

"It's a matter of how you make your own decisions, you either choose to persevere and keep moving forward or see yourself become a nobody." She simply said. She would go on to explained that no matter what the consequences or challenges, a person would just need to be strong all throughout.

Ayame just stared in amazement, Her advice was simple yet very effective. Even though, she was just the daughter of a famous ramen shop owner, she dream't of becoming big one day, although she didn't know what kind of dream that she has for the future.

"So If I just follow my dreams and persevere then I could achieved anything?" She asked.

Miyuki simply nodded and smiled." Yes you will."

"And of course, always never forget to thank Kami-sama for all things that He had done for our family and our lives!" Teuchi came to the scene yet again and added another important part of the conversation.

Both Ayame and Miyuki turned to the man. The young brown haired girl immediately agreed while the other just kept silent. The mentioning of Kami gave an uncomfortable feeling to the older girl herself. It seemed that everybody in this world still believed in him, even though, He was already long gone.

Her thoughts had gone back to the past for a short while. She remembered his sacrifice just to keep the peace of this world from the total utter destruction that almost happened because of that winged beast. It also caused a lot of changes throughout everything.

Even though that peace was achieved the aftermath of his sacrifice, it didn't last long as things weren't the same anymore. Wars and conflicts still continued to ravage across the world, relationships became sour, everyone has their own goals of making a world a better place and no one was considered the bad person.

Miyuki was a witnessed in this conflicts, there were attempts to heal the wounds, she saw how the council strived for a better future in all worlds, they want to achieved what Kami has envisioned but the problem was that they can't seemed to reached a final decision or conclusion thus debates. were still ongoing until now.

It was not too long when she discovered that something was wrong and how there was this conspiracy which was started none other by him. So that's why she had severe her connection with the council in the first place. Everyone were just being led into his game.

She only wished that she had known it sooner. Although, since the aftermath of the jougan's ability courtesy of the blonde boy, she now had that second chance to do it again and prevent the destruction that was to forthcome just like on the original timeline.

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