" Amusement park? Can we go with you, please? Let me make things up, we can help." Lloyd jumps up and down, wanting to go.

"I'm sorry, nephew. You and Y/n will stay here, where it's safe." Sensei says. I nodded, and Lloyd groaned.

"The ninja gets all the full," Lloyd complains as I giggle.

"What do you say, guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?" Jay asks but knows the answer.

"This new stuff feels like it'll protect us. Cole says, ruffling my hair. "Thanks, Y/n."

"Stoppppp," I complained, pushing his hand away.

"Yet provides more mobility," Zane says.

"You wanna strut on the catwalk, or get down to that park, so we can go on some rides?" Jay waves his arms around.

"I love a rollercoaster, but nothing beats this," Kai says and jumps down, forming the bike with the others joining forming their vehicles. Sensei walks away, and Nya walks to her room, leaving Lloyd on the upper deck.

"Want to play some video games?" I asked; I play some video games, but I mainly train or talk to Sensei, but I knew playing games would make Lloyd feel better.

The ninja returns and tells me about the Samurai taking care of the snakes for them, making them upset. Then the alarm goes off, and we run to the bridge.

"Multiple snakes sightings! They're everywhere!" Nya informs us worriedly.

"Go! We have all sightings up here. Zane head for the snowy mountains, there's some people there. Kai, there are some women trapped in the forest with snakes, Cole, head to the cave over there" I point to the screen as they run and jump off, forming the vehicles again and going to different places. I watch them all head to the sights on the screen, except Jay went to a place without a sighting. "What in the world is he doing?" I looked at Lloyd, and he just shrugged. 

The next day Kai decided to take us to an arcade. 

"Ok, I know it's my turn to look after you two, but just play a few games and stay put while I look around. I have a feeling the Samurai may show up." Kai says, giving us some coins to play some games at the arcade.

"Oh, let us help," Lloyd says.

"No," Kai says.

"Come on. At least drop us off at a decent arcade." Lloyd complains

"Sorry, shorties," Kai says and drives away.

"Kai, wait!" Lloyd yells before we get smoked.

"If he wants to catch the Samurai, he may need to be mature and responsible," I pout. "Let's just go in." I start to walk in; just Lloyd stops me.

"Do you hear that?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to a corner to see SNAKES?!

"I hear he found it. And everyone is gathering again." Scales says.

"You are so--"

"Shh," I pout, annoyed.

"Impossible. The Lost City does not exist." a snake responds

"Lost City?" I whisper to Lloyd.

"Well, it isn't lost anymore. Ha-ha. And I hear there's gonna be a fight." Scales says.

"Lloyd, we need to tell the ninja now," I whisper to him.

"A fight? Count me in," a snake says.

"All aboard. Next stop, Ouroboros," Scales announced. We walked back to the arcade. Lloyd looked at the window of a snake costume.

"Oh no, we need to tell the ninja. We can't just sneak in, we could be caught." I told him, he looked at me and sighed, and we walked in. "I'm going to go speak with someone to alert them, please don't do anything stupid."

Sliver Heart (Lloyd X reader) [1]Where stories live. Discover now