"Hey beautiful," said a gruff voice next to me which surprised me. He was the only one in the elevator with me so obviously I knew he was talking to me, but what surprised me was that he had the guts to say that. And the fact that I did the whole thumbprint thing and he still didn't realize was also surprising. "You look pretty fine...hot damn."

My nostrils flared but I handled the situation responsibly, even though I wanted to punch the bloody lights off this guy's scum face. "What's your name?"

"Steve. Steve Loinet."

"I see that you're new, correct?"

He gave me an apprehensive glare before nodding in confidence.

"Ahhh, so then you probably don't know how things work here." I smugly watched the floor number approach the top floor.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?"

The ding of elevator made me turn to him with a deadpan expression on my face. "Do that again and you're fired." I watched in victory when his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. I exited the elevator before he could reply to the situation, chucking the whole way to my office.

My office stood on the farthest side of the floor. Along with my office, there was my parent's office, my brother's office, a conference room, and a lounge room. But the reason there were only a few rooms on the entire floor was because these rooms were huge, and when I say huge, I mean, five star hotel suite huge. The conference room had a fountain in it...a fountain.

The first thing I did when I reached my office was inform Patty, my secretary, to get me the details on Steve Loinet.

"Oh and Patty, tell all the employees, that if they had any complaints on him or if I saw any behavior like this in anyone, there will be consequences, okay? I don't tolerate that kind of nonsense."

"I will do that right away, Miss."

"Thank you, Patricia."


I sunk into my chair, arms folded and a stern look on my face. What were they thinking? The idea was absolutely ridiculous. About ten men and women sat around the oval glass table, all eyes on me and my reaction. I wanted to run out of there and scream from the top of my lungs, I wanted to scream in their faces.

My gaze went to the brown haired lady next to me, my lawyer. "Am I obligated to agree, Leah?"

She squinted her eyes to look at the paper she was holding in her hands. Her glasses slid a little when she turned her head down. "Technically no, but in the end it isn't up to you. The Board makes the executive decisions until you become the official CEO."

"What kind of idiotic contract is this? That's so immature."

I heard a scoff across the table and zeroed in onto the bald man. "We're the immature ones?" He asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "If you don't comply, the CEO position of DRE will go to Kaden."

I gasped, "Does he know about this?" Leah shook her head to my question.

I stood up in frustration, slamming my hands onto the table. "Are you all seriously suggesting this? You really think this will work?" My eyes darted to Li who was in the corner of the room watching with widened eyes. She met my gaze and frowned.

"Look," said Mariella, a blonde haired lady who was looking at me like an adult would look at a child, "The world sees you as an immature young adult, partying and getting drunk every week. Nobody thinks you're responsible to be CEO next year. And that's a big honor. If people think it's a joke, do you think they'll invest into it? A joke?"

"Fine, I'll stop those partying habits and such, but you can't force me to get married."

"Toni," started another board member named Ryan, probably the only one that could convince me the most. "Marriage is essentially the epitome of responsibility. So much work goes into forming one and making it work. If you can do this, no one will doubt you, ever."

"Yeah, no I doubt that." I shook my head in disbelief.

"Obviously it doesn't mean responsibility, but it will be enough to appease the public. And we're not forcing you; you have one year."

"God, is this really happening?" I turned to face the window, calming my breath. I couldn't believe it. No way they're making me do this. "I'm sorry but I can't do that."

"By saying that, you're just proving out point. If you want to prove you're not immature as we think you are, you will do this. And you will be the best CEO this company could ever have because of it. Just think about that."

My hand went to my forehead, reality sinking in. It wasn't that I couldn't do it, it was the fact the in this day and age, public opinion matters so much. I knew it would make an impact whether I liked the idea or not.

The last few years had been a really tough time for me and I had gone through so much shit, which only led to the wild behavior I exhibited, that it probably was accurate that people thought negatively about me. But they didn't know a single thing about me.

After a few minutes, I said in a barely audible voice, "Can I pick myself?" I turned back to face the room with a more determined stance. And I could tell they were relieved that I sort of agreed.

Mariella looked down at her tablet, "There are a few suggestions," I scoffed at that word, "we have. I suppose you could get to know them and see if they'll be a good fit. And don't just think of yourself, think of your public image."

"But what if none of them are good enough?"

"Well in that case," Ryan began, leaning into the table and folding his hands, "you are able to make your own choice. We aren't that mean, trust me. But please look into these men first."

I chuckled in disbelief, this was the modern day arranged marriage. "I'll agree to this with a few conditions."

"Of course."

"If the year's time is up and the public image of me isn't good, I'll marry the first man you suggest. But if it is positive by that time, I don't have to do this anymore."

There was silence before the bald headed man said, "All those in favor of accepting that request."

The majority of the Board rose their hands up.

"We will have a discussion on the latter part. But you have to give us your word that you will try. Any other requests?"

"I give you my word. I also get full privacy with the relationships."

"Monthly check ins," a board member argued. Murmurs of agreement went across the room.

"Fine, but no press regarding them, deal?"


"And um...do they know what's happening?"


"Okay good, you can't tell them a single thing about this, I need to trust them myself. That's it."

Clearing his throat, Ryan spoke up, "Everyone here agrees?" Another round of agreement. "Then I guess it's settled. Toni, you have one year to marry a man and/or get your public approval rating up to where we want it. Meeting dismissed."

A/N If anyone has advice on how to go about a business meeting, by all means please tell me! I'd love to make this more accurate.

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