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A/N: Please let me know who you would like as a love interest!


Previously on the Dragon Prince: The egg of the Dragon King. It wasn't destroyed.

We all glanced in awe at the reveal of the egg.

Rayla looked shell-shocked, "This changes everythin'."

Callum bent to examine it a little better, "So this is it? The egg of the dragon prince?"

You stared at the egg with hope gleaming in your eyes, "I can't believe it. If the egg lives..."

As your voice trailed off, Callum added on, "Maybe it could stop the war."

Ezran smiled at the beautiful opal looking shell, "He's okay in there. I can feel it."

Feel it?

"Thank goodness it's alright." You sighed in relief.

Callum stammered, "But how? Why wasn't it destroyed?"

That's a good thing you know...

You all jumped as a young woman's voice angrily fumed, "Because my father saved it!"

While Callum expressed his shock at seeing the young mage, you and Rayla prepared yourselves for battle. Despite the clear familiarity between the princes and this "Claudia", it was obvious she wasn't a fan of elves.

"Callum, Ezran, get behind me. I can protect you from these elves." She glared threateningly.

"I don't think it's us they should be protected from." You snarled back.

Rayla stood by your side, past differences forgotten, "Your father didn't save it. He stole it."

"That's a lie!" She yelled.

"If that's true, then why is it here?" You retorted.

"I don't have to answer to someone like you." She practically hissed.

Poor Callum looked extremely uncertain, "Claudia?"

Claudia's face softened at Callum's request, "Callum, my father took it to protect us, so the elves and the dragons couldn't use it."

Rayla looked insulted, and for that matter, so did you, "What are you talkin about? How can we use it?"

"Don't play dumb! You know it's a powerful weapon." She said.

You angrily replied, "It's not a weapon. It's an egg!"

Ignoring this, Claudia looked at Ezran who had started to move from behind us, "Ezran, don't be afraid. Walk towards me and if they even move an inch..."

Claudia began to move her finger in the air, drawing a symbol with energy crackling around it, "Just bring that thing here."

Rayla indignantly replied, "Its not a thing!" 

You nodded in agreement, "Please. It has a mother, and it needs to go back to her."

Ezran looked over at us and studied our expressions. You shared a look with Rayla before turning and smiling down at Ez while she grinned at him.

He nodded at he gazed fondly at the egg, "You're right. It wants its mother."

Claudia frowned, "Ezran, be careful."

Ez motioned towards another tunnel, "Follow me."

You all dashed towards the hallway while hearing a scuffle behind you. You assume it's between Callum and Claudia but decide to not look back. Running further down you hear Callum yell out from a little further behind. Stopping, you turn around and noticed an eerie purple glow light up the background.

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