What is Done

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Previously on The Dragon Prince: "You let him live... But you've killed us all!" His voice bellowed.

You were behind a tree leaf, listening to Runaan and his second in command.

They were gazing out towards the castle, arguing about the amount of people fighting.

Runaan ended the discussion by saying, "We'll be stronger as five."

You boiled, Rayla did the right thing!

Not wanting to listen any longer, you flew down to where Rayla was, her back turned to the rest of the group. She tried to converse with them, only resulting in a cold shoulder.

You ducked behind one of Rayla's horns as Runaan jumped out of the tree in front of her, before remembering that they all knew you were here.

"Come with me Ralya, you too (y/n)."

Uh-oh, you gulped.

Rayla followed him as he led us away from the others and to another small clearing. There, you grew to your full height as Runaan began to speak.

"I thought you could do it Rayla, but I was wrong." Runaan didn't seem very dissappointed, with his proud head still held up high.

"You're not wrong, I can do it."

You stared at her in shock as she refused to meet your eyes.


"I know you've never taken before. I brought you here because you are talented. Maybe the fastest and strongest of any of us. But it takes more than that. There's an instinct. A moment of truth. And in that moment, you hesitate." Runaan ignored Rayla's expressions, attempting to get his point across.

"I won't hesitate again." She said, her brows furrowed.

"You will. I see now that you're still just a child. Your heart isn't hard enough to do whatever it takes and you will willingly allow yourself to be strayed by the Woodfairy Elf." Runaan threw a glare at you as you rolled your eyes.

I don't even have a name apparently.

"I messed up. I know we did. Because we let that human go, we're all in danger. But that's why you have to let me make it right." Rayla sounded desperate and you felt a little betrayed that she couldn't see the harm in this act.

"No it's too late for that." Both you and Runaan said simultaneously, but your voice was more of a forlorn sigh. 

Rayla's voice rose, begging for a second chance, "I bound myself. My heart for-"

"You'll be unbound when the job is done. Both of your roles now is to stay out of the way. You'll wait here, quietly. If we're not back by sunrise, go home." Runaan began to walk away before stopping, "And you, (y/n)."

Your back straightened at his acknowledgment.

"It was a mistake for me to let you even meet Rayla." And with that he walked away from your dismayed gaze.

You slumped against the boulder that you both were now 'chained' to.

"I'm sorry Rayla, this is all my fault." You sighed looking up at the sky above.

"No. It's mine. I should have never listened to you." She scowled before turning away from you towards the direction of the castle.

She put her hoodie up and brought her knees to her chest, refusing to look at you. You turned away from the sight and glared at the forest surrounding you. Meanwhile, Rayla's disheartened face morphed into one of determination.

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