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*All photos are owned by me, a friend of mine drew them for me and let me to use them. Do not replicate my idea of Woodfairy elves and my other original ideas/OCs in any way, shape, or form.**


Rayla: Do ye want to know who yer are?

Callum: What the heck is a Woodfairy Elf? And who the heck are you?

Ezran: What are your powers? Why do you exist?

Soren: What's the meaning of life?

Claudia: ...That's not what we're talking about...

Soren: They started asking questions so I did too!

Claudia: *face palm*

Harrow: Yes well, to answer your questions, here is the character information.


You are a Woodfairy Elf, an elf of Earth. I assumed there was an elf populous for each of the primal sources, minus Dark Magic and came up with this. Now, I know the fairy idea can be basic but some of the elves do have wings so I thought why not. Of course, with the recent release of the newer seasons that reveal Earthblood elves, I will be keeping the Woodfairies. Just pretend that there can be more than one species of elves for a primal source.

Woodfairy Elves are generally nice but headstrong, they tend to keep away from both humans and other elves, so they grow up with a specific set of ideals and stick with those. This can be both a good and bad thing, since one ideology forbids them from being independent, saying that to grow they must only rely on each other. You, of course, disagreed with this one when you became friends with Rayla. Another ideology is that both life and death are fate's responsibility, not ours. Because of this belief, Moonshadow Elves and Woodfairy Elves tend to not get along. Also, this led them to stay neutral in the war between humans and elves, picking neither side since they saw it as wrong.

They live in villages in the forest, and you can find them by the large amount of Maire mushrooms that grow around them. They live in the Reifwid trees, which often house at least 20 elves. Maire mushrooms allow visitors to shrink to the size of a Woodfairy elf for 2 hours and they are attracted to the power the elves give off.

 Maire mushrooms allow visitors to shrink to the size of a Woodfairy elf for 2 hours and they are attracted to the power the elves give off

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Woodfairy Elf magic is strongest when surrounded by nature. In human settlements, or general towns, the lack of greenery weaken these elves. Their strongest month is spring and a noticeable change occurs to the elves when they become incredibly strong. Woodfairy Elves' skin turn to a shade of green and their hair becomes leaf-like. Their eyes become black with their normal irises gleaming in contrast.

Their magic allows communication among all creatures and they can grow small vines

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Their magic allows communication among all creatures and they can grow small vines. These elves are healers and potion makers so they are not made to fight but they are a formidable enemy, especially if caught on their turf.

Woodfairy Elves tend to carry a small satchel to carry herbs and other potions. Their wardrobe colours tend to be shades of green, brown and black. They like to walk barefoot if possible but you brought shoes just in case.

 They like to walk barefoot if possible but you brought shoes just in case

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Woodfairy Elf wings and horns have a unique pattern to the elf. These patterns will glow when using magic and both the horns and wings soak up sun and rain for emergency reserve power.

Fun Fact: It was said that a rouge Woodfairy Elf taught the first Human mage everything they know.

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