Echoes of Thunder

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Let me know who you want as a love interest, sorry but Rayla is not an option and neither is Ezran. I want you to be really good friends with them without the whole, 'everyone loves me and I don't actually have any friends in this story' cliche. 

Now on with the show!


A hand wacked you out of your comfortable 'bed', startling you.

"What the devil? (Y/n) what are you doin' here?" Your best friend, Rayla, the moonshadow elf, exclaimed, seeing you in her palm.

You sheepishly giggled and grew to your full size, your fairy wings protruding from your back, "I'm just surprised that you only now realized I was in your hair."

"Shhhh! If Runaan sees you, who knows what would happen!" Rayla's eyes worriedly glanced over at the leader of the group.

"Psh. Forget the old fart. Only the Dragon King knows how restless I'd be if I was stuck back at my village." You hummed, your wings glinted in the light of the sun that trickled down from the trees above.

Rayla's group had just stopped by a small pond for the day, and would resume heading towards King Harrow's castle at sunset.

"Ay. We all know the real reason you're 'ere is to stop me from doin what I've got to do." Rayla scolded, pointing the sword she had just been sharpening at your face.

"You don't 'have to do this', Rayla. We all want justice. But murder isn't the way of goin 'bout it." You stated, moving nonchalantly to the side, away from the tip of the blade. At your full height, you were perhaps about 2 1/2 inches taller than Rayla, which meant this was as tall you would grow since you were a Woodfairy Elf.

"They killed the Dragon King, (Y/n)! And his son! There is no heir! We need venegence!" Rayla's voice rose with each word, but before you could warn her, Runaan's voice broke through the silence.

"Rayla, what's going on over there?" He called out.

You quickly pressed a finger to your lips and made a shushing motion before you shrank down to your fairy size and flew to hide behind a leaf of a nearby tree.

Runaan stepped into the clearing, and Rayla quickly came up with something, "Uh, Runaan! It was nothin'! Just me, you know, talkin' to myself. Yeah! Just figurin' out what I'm goin' to say when we finally get revenge." Rayla jabbed the air a little with her sword to add more effect.

"You won't be sayin' anything Rayla. This is a stealth mission. Should all go according to plan, we will be fine and there will be absolutely no need for words." Runaan's sharp gaze glared at her.

Rayla's sword fell back to her side as she hugged one arm and looked down, "Yes, Runaan."

"Good." With that, Runaan began to walk back to his post, but before he was out of sight, he looked over his shoulder and almost made eye-contact with you had you not ducked behind the leaf again.

"Now listen 'ere, (y/n)," Rayla's voice shouted out in a whisper, "Best friend or not, you're either on my side or aren't. I have to do this. Go home."

And with that, she walked away too.


You had been trailing the Moonshadow group for days now. Not wishing to get on Rayla's bad side, you had kept your distance but you didn't want to leave, so you followed them. It was currently raining, wet, and dark and you had to weave around the raindrops so you wouldn't drown. Suddenly, you heard a shout.

"W-who's there?" A bewildered voice rang out.

Ducking down to use a leaf as a temporary umbrella, you watched the scene unfold.

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