Arc 3: Another Reunion

Start from the beginning

Jiraya was taken by surprised as he never expected that the blonde would give him a warm hug. When the kid hugged him, He felt this emotion that he couldn't explained, it was no any ordinary hugged, it felt like as if this kid was already a member of the family for a long time.

Boruto never really felt this happy and relieved to see and finally met another loved one or important person. It felt like as if he was this little kid being lost for a long while and that he finally found someone that he could looked up to for awhile. Of course, He knew his responsibilities but as for now, He was really going to treasure this moment.


"This was probably the second time that I met the geezer, If I can recall in a similar situation way back with that small turtle machine."


"Well, He really does look like Naruto minus that scar and patches, He could passed as his twin brother to be honest.(Chuckles)



Dinner time was the best part at least for a certain lavender haired girl. The sounds of onions, garlic and vegetables being chopped could be heard rattling all over the kitchen area, followed by the sound of water boiling on a pot indicating that the food for tonight was none other than beef vegetable soup. There was also steam that can be seen coming out from the rice cooker.

Himawari smiled as she poured all the ingredients, including the beef on to the boiling water, she also had her timer set on a specific time so when the countdown ends, she can finally say that dinner is ready.

It was already 6pm when Himawari finished everything, she just have to wait for the timer to end, but as for now she took the time to prepare the plates and utensils on the table. As the lavender haired teen was setting up the plates on the dinner table, her eyes noticed a small picture frame, with stand attached to it, on the table.

It was a picture from the time she was a kid and the picture consists of her, her big brother, and her mom and dad. The Uzumaki girl gave a small smile as she recalled the time where this picture was taken which was at the local park.

As she continued to examined the photo, she focused more on her parents, who were happily smiling in the photo, She and her mom were giving the peace sign while the her big brother and dad were on conflict as they struggled to squeezed in the photo.

"Oh Nii-chan." Himawari chuckled. She recalled how her big brother would always wrestle their dad whenever there is a family group photo, these two were the clowns of the family, they would always create a hilarious scenes everywhere they went together.

It was some kind of prank war between her big brother and Dad, Similar to one of those viral prank videos, they would really go at each other.

Speaking of her big brother, He really should be home at this point in time, What was taking him so long? Was He dealt into another overtime shift at work yet gain? Does this mean that her big brother is going home late again?

Himawari just sighed. With all these thoughts overwhelming her about him, She attempted to divulged herself into other things to get rid of those thoughts. After setting up dinner, she went on to get the remote control and turned on the TV. She then pressed the button to switch the channels to the one that she usually watch which was none other than the comedy and especially the horror channels.

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