[17] surprise!

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Me: Lol yes baby, you're going to be a daddy!

Colby: I wish I could kiss you and your belly right now!

Me: You will baby.

Colby: Does that mean we have to get married soon?

Me: Oh god no, Cole we can wait until we are ready lol.

Colby: I'm so excited! So is Sam btw.

Me: You told him already?!

Colby: Sorry baby mama.

Me: We have to tell the others now before Sammy boy tells everyone.

Colby: Soon! I wanna see the test when we are done here.

Me: Don't get arrested please! You're to perfect to be in jail, Sam too.

Colby: Don't worry baby doll, we'll be careful.

Me: Good, I don't want our baby to grow up without a dad!

Colby: Baby, you're scaring me...

Me: Sorry, sorry ok I'll leave you alone I just wanted to give you a heads up!

Colby: I love you baby.

Me: I love you too baby.

Devyn looked at me. "He's perfectly fine with me being pregnant" I tell them. "See! Colby is a good egg" Kat says. "Who says that to describe someone? Blank is a good egg! You sound like eighty years old" I say scrunching up my nose. Kat laughs. "You guys are perfect for each other is what she's getting at" Devyn tells me. "Oh, well I think so too" I say playing with my ring. It's becoming a habit now when I'm nervous or bored as fuck. I think back to my mom. She always wanted grandkids now she's getting one... or more who knows at this point?

Kat said goodbye to us and Devyn had a date with Corey. "Thanks for helping me through this" I tell her walking her to the front door. "Of course, you would do the same for me" Dev says. "Yeah and please don't tell Corey Cole and I are going to tell the boys tomorrow" I say as she gets on her shoes. "I won't tell him, pinkie promise" she holds out her pinkie. I attach my pinkie to hers. "Good" I say hugging her goodbye. She walks out and gets in her car and drives off. I close the door and immediately started to sob. I wish mom was here. I wish dad was here funny enough. He's still my dad and I have to love him even though he's a horrible person.

I heard the front door unlock and I was still crying. "Baby?" Colby's voice was heard in the living room. "In here" I say in the bathroom my voice was hoarse from sobbing. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked opening the door. "N-no" I say as he sat on the floor with me. "It's okay, baby doll" he says pulling me in his arms. My safe place. "Do you want them?" I asked my head on his shoulder. "I do, do you?" he asked rubbing my stomach. "I don't know, Cole I mean we are too young" I say as he wipes my tears. "Hey, it's your body baby if you don't want to keep it then" he sighs, "I'll be by your side no matter what" he finishes the sentence. I look at him. How can someone be so sympathetic? How can someone be so calm when I'm freaking the fuck out? How can someone love someone as much as I do?

Colby sleeps over. I don't even have to ask. He knows my brain is freaking out. "Baby, come to bed" Colby whined I knew he wanted to cuddle. He gets in a cuddly mood when he's super duper tired. "I'm washing my face honey" I say drying my face. "Ugh" he groans as I hear him unzip his pants and he kicked them to the side. I put my hair in braids and exited the bathroom. I was wearing the same tank top and shorts. Colby reaches out to me I laugh getting into bed. His arms wrapped around me pulling me close. I felt safe and secure. I want our baby to feel this; safe and secure. Colby's hands were on my stomach rubbing it. I blush placing my hand on his. "I can't believe we are going to be parents" he whispered. "I know" I say with my eyes closed. "Susan" Cole whispered against my neck. "What?" I asked my eyes were open. "Susan, our baby's name" Colby mumbles. He's asleep now, I can tell. "My mom's name?" I felt tears in my eyes. He hums in response. "What if it's a boy?" I asked. "What about my middle name?" he mumbled. "Robert?" I asked. "Yeah if you want" Colby snuggled against my neck. "What about Cole" I asked. Colby laughs. "Too obvious?" I asked now facing him. "Maybe, we can talk later" he says. He's so beautiful up close he's like art. His eyes were dark blue almost navy. I brush his hair back. I let my hand drag across his face. He has a nose ring now and piercings they make him more emo. He smiled softly I could feel his bicep flex like he's trying to impress me. "You're beautiful" I tell him. He kisses my nose. "So are you, baby now let's sleep" Colby tells me. I nod and let my eyes fall naturally. I fall asleep eventually, in my soon to be fiancé's arms.

Truth or Dare? // c.b (✔︎)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon