Chapter 21

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Veronica POV

We all agree to drinks at my place. My parents are already there when we arrive. I turn to Theo and take his hand and lead him to where they sit in my living room. My dad stands immediately.

"Dad, Momsy, this is Theo . . . my boyfriend," I say.

"It's an honor to finally meet you sir," Theo says as he shakes my father's hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well," he replies. Then my mother rises from her seat.

"Hi, Theo, it's so great to see you," she says as she envelopes him in a hug. Like she's known him her whole life.

"You too Mrs. Agrest," Theo says.

"Oh honey just call me Chris," my mom tells him.

At that moment, Jonathan, Nathan, Zeke, Hannah, and my sister all come in. Jonathan and I exchange looks as I stand there with my parents and Theo together.

Jonathan comes to talk to me, drinks in hand, as my dad and Theo walk into the kitchen together, alone.

"How'd it go?" he asked, handing me a glass of wine.

"About as well as it could've, I think," I say to my best friend while taking a sip.

Everyone then moves into the living room and takes a seat. We all talk for a while. Around eleven, I hear a buzz and see Theo check his phone. He looks at his phone, frowns, locks his screen, and puts it back into his pocket.

"You okay?" I ask him quietly.

"Yeah, just Marc checking in on me," he says and kisses my temple. Marc checks in on him frequently in case he goes on a drinking binge or flys higher than a kite, but he hasn't spiraled since we've been together. I'm glad Marc still checks on him, though.

Everyone catches up until around 12:30, when I walk my parents to the elevator. I push the button and turn to face the both of them. "Well I really like him," my mom says as she gives me a hug. I laugh.

"Well good I'm glad," I said. I turned to my dad, waiting for him to say anything.

"If I'm being honest," he starts and my heart stops, "I think he might be the one for you, monkey." I breathe a sigh of relief and give him a huge hug. I'm extremely close with my family and their approval means the world to me.

"But can I ask you something?" He asks. I nod. "This doesn't have anything to do with that big crush you had on him when you were in high school does it?"

"Dad! Oh my gosh!" I say as he and my mother laugh hysterically.

"Love you by babe! We'll see you soon!" My mom says as the two board the elevator and the doors close behind them. Thea, Jonathan, Nathan, Zeke, and Hannah follow right behind them.

Soon, it's just Theo and I. We take glasses of wine up to my room and lay on my bed. I cuddle up into his chest during a movie. As per usual, I fall asleep halfway through.

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