Chapter 53

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Theo's POV

I stand in front of the mirror and adjust my suit jacket. Ronnie liked the idea of an all black suit on me for the wedding and I like it too. The only pop of color will be a lavender tie and pocket square. Lavender is her favorite color.

I told her two months ago, when all the planning started, that I want her to have the wedding of her dreams, despite the fact that she never even thought she'd get married. She's currently shopping for her dress while I'm getting fitted for my tux. She's been looking for weeks so I hope she finds one she likes.

"Well, look at you," Ian says, coming out of a changing room in his groomsman suit.

"Yeah, you don't look like shit for once," Paul says adjusting the cuff links on his own groomsman suit.

"You're officially uninvited," I say and they both laugh.

Ian comes up to put his hands on my shoulders for a second and says, "seriously though man, I don't think I've ever seen you so happy." I look down at my shoes as the hint of a smile plays at my lips.

"He's right, Theo. I mean you just seem so, like, at peace or something. I don't know. I'm just happy you found her, bro," Paul says. I look back up and meet my own eyes in the mirror.

"Yeah, so am I."

Veronica POV

I turn slowly in front of the mirror in my dressing room. A gust of air rushes out of my lungs as I stare at my reflection, or more specifically, what said reflection is wearing.

I've been looking for a dress for weeks, browsing various magazines, websites, and stores. Now I finally feel like I've found the perfect one.

I'm in a gorgeous little wedding boutique on Fifth Avenue. I need to step out and show my mom, sister, and friends, but I need just one more, extra special moment for myself.

I take a few deep breaths before I steel my spine and turn to sweep aside the curtain. I step out and move to stand on the raised dais in front of the tri-fold mirror. I'm greeted with a series of gasps and "awes" from my company.

"I think this is the one," I tell them as I turn slowly in front of the mirror. It's so perfect. It's exactly what I wanted. The perfect balance between sexy and elegant, traditional and original.

"That is beautiful," my mother says with tears in her eyes. My sister smiles wide and my friends all murmur their collective agreement.

"Theo is going to lose his mind," Caroline, who is practically bouncing off the sofa, says.

I face my reflection once again and smile to myself. I'm so unbelievably happy and I feel so loved. Not just by other people but, maybe for the first time, by myself too. But, there's one person that makes me feel more loved than anyone ever could and I can't wait to see him for cake tasting later.


"The chocolate cake with white icing is definitely my favorite," I say before I lick my fork clean.

"Me too," Theo says. We both kind of already knew going into this what we wanted, but we also wanted to keep an open mind about all of our options in the rare case that we found something we liked better. We've kept that mindset through a lot of this wedding planning process because it's still so new to both of us. "Are you happy?" he asks me, seemingly out of the blue.

I give him a curious look. "Of course I am, why would you ask?" I say with a smile.

"I just want to make sure that you are getting everything you want out of this experience. Like I told you before, I want this to be the wedding of your dreams," he says.

I set my cake plate down and go over to sit on his lap. My arms wind around his neck and my fingers find their way into the soft strands of his hair. He holds me close and looks deep into my eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or uncertainty.

"Honey, I'm having the best time. While I want a nice wedding, what's most important to me is that I'm getting to spend this time with you and that we get to have these experiences together," I tell him.

"I just know that this is something you never really planned for and, now that it's happening, I just want to make sure it's perfect," he says.

I smile and lean down to nuzzle his nose with my own. I kiss him deeply before I whisper against his lips, "everything is perfect."

I pull away. "Now, I need to go confirm the order with the florist," I say as I stand up. I take his hand before I say "do you want to come with me?" I ask sweetly.

He stands up and smiles down at me, getting a better hold on my hand. "I'd love to," he says before he kisses me. I smile once we pull away and we head on over to the florist.

I can't believe that I'm getting married to the love of my life in just a few short months. Honestly, though I'm so excited for the wedding, I don't really care about it as much as I do about the fact that I get to spend the rest of my life with Theo. He makes me so happy.

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