Chapter 51

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Theo POV

That word clangs through me.


I immediately pick her up and spin her around. She laughs through her tears of joy. I feel tears of my own spill. "Yes, yes, yes," she says.

I finally put her down and look into her eyes. She's smiling and so am I. I take the ring out of the box and place it onto her left ring finger. She covers her mouth with her right hand as tears continue to fall from both of us.

I look up into her eyes and say, "I love you."

"I love you," she says, I barely give her time to respond before my lips are on hers. My hands wind around her waist while her left hand tangles in my hair and her right comes up to rest behind my neck.

"You deserve the world and I'm gonna give that to you, I promise," I tell her through my tears.

"My entire world is right here. I just need you," she says breathily before kissing me again. I feel like my heart is about to burst out of my chest. I don't know when I'll stop being surprised that I'm good enough for her on my own. If I ever will. She is the only person who's never wanted anything from me. I've never had that before with anyone.

I break away to pepper her face and neck with kisses. She giggles at that. I will never get tired of that sound.

"There's one last surprise for tonight," I tell her.

"I don't think I can take anymore," she says through light laughter. I smile and nuzzle her nose.

"Don't worry, it's a fun surprise," I say. "But first," I add before taking her hands and leading her to the blanket. We sit down and I pop the champagne. I don't want her to feel too overwhelmed, so I set up a little spread to help her relax before we head to the next surprise. We sip on champagne while we nibble on macaroons.

I have her pulled against me the entire time. She's facing me while her legs are stretched out in front of her. My own stretch out behind her. I have her encircled in my arms, champagne flutes in our hands.

"Thank you," she whispers with her eyes closed, leaning in to me. "I needed a moment."

I smile and push some of her hair behind her ear. I gaze as my whole world sits before me. "Always, angel," I tell her. "Are you okay?" I ask.

She looks up at me and smiles. She nods and, against my lips,says, "I'm okay," before kissing me. I set my glass down and take her face in my hands gently. I kiss her passionately, deeply.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask her once we break apart. She nods so I take her hand with the intention of going back to the car. We stand up, but she goes to bend back down to help put things away. I gently pull her to me. "It's all taken care of, sweetheart," I tell her and lead her back to the car.

Veronica POV

After a few minutes of us kissing and cuddling in the car, we pull up to a building I recognize. This is where Paul and Caroline live. Theo gives me a smile and whisks me inside.

We ride the elevator up hand in hand, and, once the doors slide open, I see Caroline, Paul, Ian, Nate, Zeke, Hannah, Johnathan, and Blaine standing together as they yell, "Congratulations!"

My spare hand comes up to my mouth as I smile and laugh. We walk into the space and immediately, Caroline, Hannah, Johnathan, and Blaine swarm me with hugs. Zeke, Paul, Ian, and Nate clap Theo on the back before I receive hugs from each of them.

"You all knew?" I asked Caroline as she hugs me.

She nods. "Am I the best secret keeper or what?" she says and I laugh. Once we're through with our hellos in the foyer, we move into the living room. Theo comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I turn my head and kiss him and the room bursts into cheers like we're teenagers at a school dance.

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