Chapter 4

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Theo POV

"Is this in your way?" she asks as she sets her backpack between our feet. The whole bag is like a foot long at most, of course it's not in my way.

"Yes," I say. She moves it to her other side.
I wish we could smoke on planes. That would take the edge off, calm my nerves. I'm so close to her. I'm always so close to her, but she wants nothing to do with me. I know that that is my own fault, though. I'm such an ass whenever I'm around her. I push her away instead of pulling her close, using weed and hard liquor to fill her place in my life.

I know that when this premier tour is over, we may never see each other again. We'll have no obligation to and why would that be something she would want? I'm awful to her. I can't help but watch her as she reads. She's so beautiful all the time, even though I know she doesn't think so. Sometimes, she catches me staring at her. I give her no explanation and, much to my relief, she never asks for one.

After about an hour, she moves to close her book. Her elbow lightly brushes my arm.
"Sorry," she says quickly, but politely.

"Relax, Veronica, I'm not going to bite your head off for accidentally bumping into me," I tell her. She seems on edge.

"Who said anything about an accident?" she asks with a smile. I give her an evil look. She starts laughing and I swear it's the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. "I'm just kidding," she says once she calms down.

I don't understand her. I'm so mean to her but she manages to just brush me off like I'm nothing. She is the only girl I have ever met that isn't intimidated by Theo James. I like that. I think it's because she knows she doesn't need to be afraid of me. She knows that I'd never really hurt her. Tease and mock sure, but I'd never hurt her.

She leans back, in her chair, and closes her eyes. Before I know it, she's sound asleep. Her head falls over, onto my shoulder. I can't help it. My arm wraps itself around her so that she is more comfortable.

In another hour, she stirs and I move my arm quickly so that she doesn't get any ideas. Her head lifts off my shoulder and leans back against the chair, eyes still closed. Then, her beautiful eyes open and she goes to sit up, but she can't because her hair is caught in the seat.

"Here," I say as I reach out to untangle her hair from where it's caught on the seat. Once I get it all untangled, my fingers accidentally skim her cheek. I look into her eyes for a minute and she looks back into mine.

"Thanks," she says.

"No problem."

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