Chapter 2

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Veronica POV {Four Years Ago}

"On three," I said.

"One," Jonathan said.

"Two," I said.

"Three," we said together as we ripped open the letters we received from New York University. We both applied because of their killer performing arts program. I pull the piece of paper out of the envelope and scan the words. Jonathan squeals.

"I did it! YES!" he yelled, jumping up and down. I was still scanning the page until my eyes find the words I so desperately wanted to see. "Well?" he asked me.

My hand flew to my mouth. I looked up at him and nodded with tears in my eyes. I started laughing as we hugged. Jonathan grabs my hands and we both start jumping up and down. I'm going to college. No, I'm going to college with my best friend.

"I have to go tell Nathan!" he said as he grabbed his bag and raced out of our high school choir room. Nathan was, at the time, his boyfriend of three years.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" I called after him.

"That gives me a very broad array of options," he said as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh!" I scoffed after him as he went through the door. I heard his infectious laugh from down the hall.

I didn't really know where to go from here. It was after school hours and I wasn't ready to go home just yet. I ended up finding myself in my favorite coffee shop. I swear, it's the coziest place in all of Lima, Ohio. It makes my small corner of the world feel just a bit bigger.

I took my usual spot in the corner, on the cushioned chair. I sipped slowly on an Iced Caramel Cloud while doing homework when he approached me.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" the boy asked me as he gestured to the open seat that sat across from me. He was so cute. I shook my head.

"No," I replied. He smiled at me and sat down.

"Cool. I'm Sean," he said as he held out his hand.

"Ronnie," I told him, shaking his hand.

"Just Ronnie?" he asked and it was my turn to smile.

"It's short for Veronica. I don't like saying my full name. It sounds kind of weird," I'd said as I looked down at the floor.

"No that's not weird. It's really pretty, actually. Like you," he replied.

"Really?" I said.

"It was worth a shot," he said with a smile.

"Whatcha working on?" he ask when he saw my homework.

"History. I have do a report on Alexander Hamilton," I told him. He took my binder and looked at everything inside.

"Let's see. A, A, A, A," he said and looked up at me. "Okay, smarty pants."

"Shut up," I said playfully. He laughed a little.

"Seriously are you, like, an advanced honors student or something?"

"Maybe," I said. He smiled. I smiled back. It was quiet for a moment.

"Okay, listen," he said, breaking the silence.

"Listening," I replied.

"I think it's obvious that we are destined to be together," he said. I laughed. "Come on. A nice guy and a pretty girl meet in a coffee shop? You can't get more rom com than that." I laughed again.

"Oh really," I said.

"Yes really."

"And what would you know about rom coms?" I asked playfully.

"Enough to know that true love only comes along once in a lifetime, right?" he asked.

"I guess you're right," I said with a smile.

"Well then, because this is our grand destiny, I think that you should go out with me," he said. I couldn't help but let out a light laugh.

"Look, I'm not looking for a new relationship right now, especially not when I leave for college in two months," I told him.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"NYU," I said. I still couldn't believe it was true.

His face broke out into a huge smile and reached into his pocket. He handed me an envelope with his name on it.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Just open it," he said with his goofy smile. I opened it and read an acceptance letter from NYU, addressed to him.

"No way," I said.

"Yup," he responded. "So?" He asked hopefully.

I sighed. "Okay," I answered. His face lit up.

"Really?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah really," I said as I nodded my head and laughed. He was all smiles from ear to ear. I swear that smile could light up the whole town.

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