"I think it's a good chance for you to bond with them," Marcus said. "Your relationships with your current guard already seem rather positive, they like you."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. "But I've barely spoken to them."

"They are around you enough to know your character, mia cara," Aro said.

"I never thought of that," I conceded. "I want them to like me, not just follow my orders because I'm one of the leaders or whatever."

"Eloquently said," Caius quipped, laughing when I rolled my eyes at him. "But I don't believe you have to worry about them disliking you. They were skeptical at first, but I don't doubt that they will grow quite fond of you."

"Good," I said, feeling very much relieved. Unbidden, a yawn escaped my lips.

"Bedtime, I think," Marcus said, smiling gently.

"I'm fine!" I protested, but another yawn escaped me.

"We'll be here when you wake up, don't worry," Caius said, pressing his nose to my cheek affectionately. "We don't want to keep you from getting proper rest. You should sleep."

"Fine," I mumbled, settling back farther in the pillows and dropping my head onto Marcus's shoulder. "You guys stay, though."

"Of course," Aro agreed at once. The three shifted, curling closer around me, and it wasn't long until I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

With graduation the only thing standing in the way of me and a summer spent in Volterra, I decided to spend my free days showing my mates to some of my favorite places in Forks and Port Angeles, including a day spent on the beach that was made easy due to Washington's perpetual cover of clouds.

Before I did any of that, however, there was something else I wanted to do: introduce them to Bella. Properly.

Caius was less than impressed by this suggestion. "Why is it you want us to meet her? She means nothing to us."

"She's my best friend, Caius, that's why. And you guys didn't have the greatest first meeting. I'm not asking you to be bosom buddies or anything, just civil," I said patiently.

He relented, and meeting no resistance from Aro or Marcus I invited over Bella the afternoon after their arrival.

Are you sure this is a good idea? I snorted when I read her text, as that was the only way to get hold a private conversation in a house full of vampires.

You'll be fine, I've extracted a promise of civility from all three of them. I texted in response. Plus you're already on your way, it's a bit late to cancel.

Shut up. That was the last text I received before she arrived, and I chuckled quietly as I slipped my phone into my pocket.

"What's so funny?" Marcus asked curiously. He laid with his head in my lap, eyes closed.

"Bella. She's going to worry herself to death about this," I told him.

"She's here!" Emmett bellowed, quite unnecessarily as we were all in the same room.

"Yes, thanks for that," Caius drawled, sending him an exasperated look and standing in one smooth motion. He had been sitting on the floor, leaning against my legs as I intermittently combed my hand through his hair.

Aro had disappeared off to speak with the guard half and hour ago, though he reappeared in the living room with a smile fitted easily onto his face. "Our young Bella is here!"

"Be nice," I reminded them, mostly for Caius's benefit, as I stood up myself.

Said vampire huffed. "I promised."

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