t e n - wanna see something cool?

Start from the beginning

But like I said, Brody is different.

"Well, maybe he likes you too," I heard her say in a small voice, and it made my mouth quirk up in a half-smile. Maybe.

My mom and I stayed out on the porch for a little while longer until we got too hungry. As we walked inside, my dad was already at the island in the kitchen with a few take-out menus in front of him. It didn't take long for us to decide on pizza, so we ordered it and picked it up all within thirty minutes. It was the one thing – besides a certain boy – that lifted my fatigued mood.

I went upstairs to my room after dinner, debating on if I wanted to go to bed this early when it wasn't even 8 o'clock. Knowing I have a shift at the diner tomorrow morning, but no shift at the pier, I'll probably still be dead tired. Sometimes you get used to waking up at 5 AM. Other times, not so much.

My limp body fell onto my mattress, engulfed by my plush comforter. With the humming of the AC and the light just starting to fade outside, if I closed my eyes, I'd be out in a minute.

Except that didn't happen because my phone started to vibrate by my head. I dismissed it as a text message from one of my friends, but when it was a continuous buzzing, I realized it was a call.

I reached for it with an unattractive grunt, snatching it up and adjusting my eyes to the tiny bright screen. A surge of happiness ran through me at Brody's name written on the screen.

Four days later and I still can't stop thinking about the kiss after Mason's party. Yeah, it was just a kiss on the cheek, but it has to mean something. Guys don't normally do that out of nowhere, right? He gave me a hug afterwards too, which definitely means something. I think.

Before I missed the call, I slid my finger across to answer it and put the phone up to my ear. "Hi," I crooned, my voice involuntarily weak due to the state of exhaustion I'm in, and the fact that Brody called me.

"Oh hey," he said with a smile clear in his voice which just made my heart tremble. "What are you up to?"

"I just ate dinner and now I'm laying in bed. Why?" I asked him, staring blankly at the pastel pink wall across the room.

He paused and I heard him let out a quiet sigh. "Well, I don't wanna disturb you or anything, but I was gonna ask you to come hang out with us," he replied.

"And do what?" I yawned, not meaning to do it, but being tired comes with a price.

"A bunch of us are hanging out at Peter's and I want you here," he told me casually, like it wasn't a big deal that he just told me he wants me. My heart is fine, I promise. "You can bring your friends too."

My first reaction was to roll over, plummet my face into my pillow and squeal like a 12-year-old. But knowing that would probably freak him out, I kept my composure and chewed on my lower grinning lip. Then reality checked in.

My aching body and worn out brain. Work tomorrow at 6 AM. The fact that I'm seconds from falling into a deep slumber.

"That sounds like fun, I'm just so tired," I groaned into the phone, a giggle escaping my lips at his whine.

"It's not gonna be a big thing. It's just like... I don't know," he sighed again. "Please? I really wanna see you."

Those last five words were the only thing that could sincerely change my mind.

"Alright," I cooed, my idiotic smile still in place.

"Cool," he said instantly. I could picture the grin on his face as he said it. "He lives two blocks away from Mason on Crest. It's a big brick house with stones everywhere. You'll know it when you see it."

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