Chapter 2: Lie

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//*WARNING*// This chapter has themes surrounding suicidal thoughts and ideations. Reader discretion is advised. //

'Hello, you've reached Mr. Kim's voicemail. I am either away from my phone or in a business mee-"

Seokjin hung up the phone before the message finished. He didn't even know why he still called the number. It's not like his father was going to pick up anyway.

'Don't think about it, Seokjin. Don't even go there.'

His heart felt heavy as he entered the IOP meeting room. Everyone except Jimin was already in the seats they had previously assigned to themselves. Namjoon was sitting at the desk, typing frantically, but he immediately perked up to greet Seokjin as he entered the room.

Seokjin forced a smile. "Good evening!" he chirped, voice a little higher pitched that normal. He sat next to Hoseok again, giving his new friend a small smile that pushed his cheeks up, making them look like two soft dumplings.

"Hey, how are you today?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm good... You?" Seokjin lied.

"I'm fine..." Hoseok replied. He smiled, but it looked forced.

Both men nodded, a silent agreement to not really talk about how they were really feeling.

Namjoon stood up abruptly and ran out of the room only to return a minute later with the paperwork for this session. He passed it out silently, taking a small pleasure in the warmth of the paper and the smell of the toner ink. When he made it around the room, he still had an extra copy in his hands. It was 5:59PM and he realized Jimin wasn't here yet.

Namjoon sighed and was about to begin the lesson when Jimin rushed through the doorway and took his seat closest to the desk. Jimin swallowed hard and smiled. "Sorry... I... was... almost... late..." He huffed through heavy breaths.

Namjoon returned the smile and then to address the room. "Did everyone remember to fill out the emotions and urges sections of your diary card?"

"Shit..." Hoseok muttered under his breath. He frantically opened his binder and began filling in the squares with numbers. He looked around quickly to see if anyone else noticed and saw that Yoongi was also filling in his card. At least I'm not the only one... he thought.

"It's alright. I'll give you a few minutes to fill things in while I pull up our first exercise," Namjoon said, turning to the computer screen. Again, he had trouble getting the computer and TV to connect. He heard music and a voice coming from the TV in the lobby, realizing he cast the device to the wrong screen. Muttering under his breath, he cancelled it and tried again.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Jimin. "Need help again?" he asked.

Jimin didn't take over the computer this time, but instead guided Namjoon through the process of correctly connecting the two devices. Jimin hoped this way he would remember so he wouldn't have to keep helping. For as smart as Namjoon seemed, he wasn't terribly great with technology, Jimin observed. He thought it was a little endearing. The therapist that had intimidated him at first wasn't as perfect as he seemed after all. With the computer and screen properly connected, Jimin sat down.

A YouTube video was up on the screen. The title of the video read 'Mindfulness Meditation - Guided 10 Minutes'.

Yoongi suppressed a groan. 'What in the fresh hell is this?' he thought.

"Is everyone done with their diary cards?" Namjoon asked, looking around the room. Six heads nodded.

"Good," Namjoon rubbed his hands together. "I thought it might be a good idea to start our sessions off with guided meditations to help get everyone into the proper mindset. DBT is mainly focused on mindfulness, or the ability to look inwardly and assess your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. I want you to use this time at the beginning of our sessions to calm yourself, empty your mind, and ready yourself for our sessions with a clear head. You can close your eyes or keep them open, but I would like you to relax and just listen."

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