What a Mean Mommy

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He cried out in pain and falls to the floor as a different man restrains me, "You lying sack of shit. That is what you get for betraying Axel," I hiss and I watch as he tried to stand up but failing miserably.

An annoyed huff of air comes from the blonde women who seems indifferent about the attack, "get her in the car," the women calls turning towards an SUV that waits behind her.


The woman pauses and turns back to my aunt waiting for her to speak again.

"You can't hide behind men's shadows much longer. Your power is running out," Aunt Florence says calmly but an obvious rage hidden behind her words.

Tracy smiles wickedly and I recognize that smile anywhere, "Don't be bitter because your husband prefers younger women."

My Aunt's jaw clenches and I can't help the smile that comes at seeing her so upset, usually, I am the only one that can make her wear that face.

"There is a special place in hell for women like you Tracy."

She just smiled, "I'll save you a seat, bitch."

Suddenly I am thrown into the passenger side of the black SUV the door slammed shut. Before I could think of running, Tracy jumps in the driver's seat not waiting a single second before taking off. Speeding onto the deserted highway I recognize that we are just on the outskirts of town. Not far from Axel's house.

I sit in silence for a second watching as she calming puts on the heat and switches the radio as if she didn't just pick my ass up from being torturers. I assumed I was looking just as good as I felt too.

Glancing over at her speedometer I see it reaching in the hundreds and I grip the sides of my chair. As if she noticed me tenses she says, "We need to hurry back before those two do something stupid, especially Axel. You think since I raised him he would have half a brain, but no he takes after his father. Such a cold glare to give a mother."

Again I am silent as I watch her zip past the few cars that are probably lost, no one comes to Kingdom County on purpose.

"You're his mother," I say it as a statement, not a question, as I discretely type into the phone.

She smiles proudly obviously taking credit where it is not earned, "Yes I am."

"The one that didn't raise him and manipulated a Mafia leader into handing you everything," and again it wasn't a question but a statement.

The car lurches to a stop and I am flung forward only to be pulled back by the seat belt.

I groan in pain as she snaps her head towards me, "I am the best mother I can be. I do not expect an orphaned child to know much about mothers," She snaps and I suck in a breath.

Did this bitch really bring my dead parents into this? She starts pressing on the gas pedal again and were shot off. Going at least 30 over the speed limit.

"But if you want my approval then you won't insult me," she continues with a glare and I give it right back to her after a moment of shock.

"I do not need your approval. You are not some sort of pillar in Axel's life. Neither of those boys can say you have been anything but inconsistent in their lives for the past three years," I watch as her eyes narrow not surprised by the accusations, "But I'm guessing you already knew that. Seemed like Axel isn't scared to speak his mind to his mother."

She glares at me as if contemplating which way to kill me, "I should turn this fucking car around and drop you back off to be killed."

I lean forward invading her side of the car, "I'd love to watch you fucking try."

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