I Do

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There will be a bonus chapter about Hazel and Jax in more detail on its way!

Chapter 25

Blaze POV

"So let me get this straight," Scarlett begins as she walks around the living room, "your mafia leader father is come over here to help protect Blaze from her psycho money grabbing aunt and you guys think it's better if everyone LEAVES the house-the place that is the safest from the psycho aunt and is protected by your the mafia dad?"

Axel nods.

"My head hurts," Scarlett mutters. She crashes her last night on the couch but now it's too dangerous and I don't want to drag her into this.

"I still don't want dad here at all," Jax says with one arm on the back of the coach and Hazel sits next to him leaning in his chest casually. She seemed not to have any energy left after the fight with Jax and then officially being asked out by him.

"Me either but what else can we do?" Axel says.

"Where do you want us to go?" Mason says trying to not let his eyes follow Scarlett's every move. He is still denying his attraction and honestly so is she.

"Out of town. It's winter break so we are all free. Think of it as a vacation," Axel says casually draping an arm around my shoulders as we lean against the kitchen counter facing the living room.

I watch as Mason lets out a heavy sigh before bringing a big hand down his tired face, "I don't know how I feel with you two fighting this alone. We are your friends, aren't we supposed to be there for moments like this?" He asks and his eyes glance from me to Axel.

I smile sweetly at him, "This is a different kind of situation this is about safety. Plus I need someone to watch over Scarlett while she's here. She has a tendency to get into trouble."

"I don't need a babysitter," she argues but I see her lip twitches up into a grin, she has always had this secret desire to be taken care of. To let someone else worry about things because she has spent her whole life guarding herself so that she desperately wants to relax.

I watched as Mason swings his eyes over to her and just studies her, for some reason, it feels like he knew what I was thinking. Like he knew she wanted someone else to take the wheel, and there is no denying the spark of excitement when undoubtedly he thought of himself as that person.

"What will dad think of us being gone?" Jax asks drawing my attention.

Axel stiffens beside me, and I resist the urge to run my hand along his arm to comfort him. But I just squeeze the hand from the arm that is still draped over my shoulders. We have discovered we have a very private couple. If that is what we even are. I guess he has never offically asked me to be his anything and I never agreed, but in a way we didn't need that. It was deeper than a cliche 'be my girlfriend,' kind of relationship. It was obvious without needing to be spoken.

"I will deal with dad. Do not worry about him," Axel says calmly with a serious stare at his older brother. Which I never understood how Jax was older yet Axel handled everything.

Jax runs a hand down his face before sighing, "Okay," he mumbles, "You handle this and we will stay at a hotel outside of town for a couple days. BUT you have to keep us updated and call everyday."

"But not too often," Mason adds with a lopsided grin jokingly, "I still want to enjoy my vacation."

"I don't remeber agreeing to this," Scarlett suddenly interjects and glares at Mason as he gives her a signature smile.

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