The Phone Call

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Chapter 15

The car slows down as it drives around the apartment complex parking. There are over 100 buildings within this complex, part of the reason I chose it, but they keep circling my corner. I watch the slick black car with expensive rims crawl past my building as the tinted black window at the back seat peels down.

I catch a glimpse of the women in the back seat and I take a sharp inhale. It's her.

Damn, I'm in deep shit if she is personally riding around this fucked town looking for me.

I take a breath and remind myself there is no way in hell she found me. She is just covering her back. I have fake parents listed with my name and a documentation that says I am a blonde 5'2 teen from California. No way she was able to discover it was me.

She is pulling at strings. She is desperate. Well, shit so am I.

As soon as the black car is out of view I sprint over to across the street and through the woods. It is a longer route and I will be late without a doubt, but there is no way that she would risk scratching her Mercedes by tracking me down here.

I run through the trees in the cold cloudy weather feeling the wind burn my cheeks and mud stair my jeans.

Leaves get caught in my jacket and hair as I push through the edge of the forest that leads to the back fo the school.

I feel my lungs threaten to burst as I take a big breath and finally make it to the back doors of the beautiful school. I lean against the new brick wall and try to shed myself of the leaves and wipe away the sweat from my forehead when I hear yelling.

"What the fuck?!"

Having been yelled at by this voice too many times, I know who it is without having to peek. I slowly sneak closer to the side of the school and peer around the corner to see Axel with his back facing me and his phone pressed to his ear.

"How many times do I have to say this. Rent is due. You need to transfer the money now or I am going to dad about this," He all but shouts into the phone with such seriousness I wonder who he could possibly be talking to.

There is a pause and I hear muffled shouting on the other end of the phone.

"No. You cut him out of our lives, and I can bring in right back in. He has money to blow while you just blow random guys around the world," He hisses and I even flinch from the venom in his tone.

Jesus Christ he never even talked to me like that and I swore he hated me. Now I'm not sure.

You don't want him to hate you.

"Oh shut the fuck up," I mumble to myself and edge closer to hear Axel better.

"I don't want your excuses. I don't care what country you're in now. I'm glad you're finding yourself, but you have fucking kids back here that need you to help with the rent. Like you promised mother," He says and I stiffen at the name that slipped from his lips.

"Mother?" I repeat so quietly I thought no one could hear.

"Yeah, he was never delicate when talking to her," Someone says from behind me and I jump as an arm leans against the brick beside my head.

My eyes shoot up to meet Jax's perplexed face as he watches his brother from behind the wall.

"Jax?!" I squeak, still maintaining a whisper.

"Mom shut the fuck up and give us the money," Axel's voice sounds father off as I stare at the brother in front of me, wondering why he is hiding and doesn't just go over to Axel.

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