I Should Go

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Chapter 18

Have you ever rewatched the ending to your favorite movie?

You know the end is coming up but you don't want it to be over just yet, not yet.

That's how I felt waking up in his arms. Wishing every morning I would have him there, turning over to see his peaceful face.

I stayed until noon in the peaceful morning, the sun streamed into his room through pulled drapes casting shadows over the contours of our bodies. Warm was the simplest way to describe it. One of his arms was thrown around my torso as he lays on his stomach his face turned to face me. As I lay on my back slowly waking up.

But once I was fully awake I knew there was only one option. I can't pretend last night just didn't happen. She's got me. She knows where I am and who I would trust.

I slowly remove Axel's arm from around me and slip out of the bed. I need to love fast but I have some unfinished business I need to wrap up.
So I go to the only place that made sense.



Hazel, as if sensing me coming towards her snaps her head up, watching as I make my way to her for the first time in a week. Even after all the effort, they have put in, looping Patrick in their skems it has only got me talking to Axel, that's it.

But I can feel it, I can start to feel myself give in. I miss them, I want to see them again. I can also see how it is affecting Mo, ever time we are near them she can't look up to meet Jackson's stare. I told her she can be friends with whoever she wants, but she insisted that she help me through this and knew that it means keeping distance.

But the girl is undeniably pinning, like in old literature how young love is exaggerated- that's not what this is- she is literally getting depressed! I didn't know they were that close.

So, I am doing this for her. She needs more than me.
At least that's what I keep telling myself.

"Blaze please, whatever is it we can-"

I hold up my hand stopping her from continuing, "Mo," I begin.

"I need you to take care of Mo for me," I instrcut leaving no room for argument.

"Take care of her?" Hazel asks bewildered.

"She will be upset," I answer, "and just know that you all deserve a better friend but I am so thankful for what you gave me," I finish before turning around to head back out the door.

Hazel looks dumbfounded for a second before she snaps out of it, trying to race after me but the Art teach stops her.

"Hazel get back to your seat," the Art teach instructs.

"But Blaze-"

"Has a pass! She is going to the principal's office. Now take your seat."

Reluctantly Hazel sits down just as I shut the door and make my way past the principal's office towards the exit.

I have to leave. They found me, they found my home and probably the school I am going to. It's just a matter of time till the start harassing Hazel and Mo or even Axel and the boys.

My heart slams against my chest in protest at that thought. A part of me wants to go to Axel, after all he knows more than any anyone. He saw the blood, but he still helped me out. Even told me his big secret about living with everyone.
I wish more than anything I could trust him, that I could let go and run to him. I flinch back realizing my thoughts. I like him.

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