Chapter 11

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I sifted through my family's documents in the drawer by Sarah's closet. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, mumbling a string of curses that would've made a sailor blush. I'd created quite a mess with the documents— which, of course, I'm going to clean up later because I'm such a responsible husband and father— and I was sitting on the floor, my legs spread out shamelessly.

"Where is that damn thing?" I murmured to myself, frowning.

The door to the room creaked open and I swear at that moment, my soul almost left my body. I've been basking in silence for the past hour looking for—

"Do I want to know why you're going through our daughter's important documents like a madman?" Sarah asked, a mug of steaming coffee in her hand. "And you look like a five year-old who just threw the biggest tantrum with the way you're sitting on the ground and your hair looking like an abandoned birds' nest."

"Oh hush. I know you think I look sexy." I winked at her.

My wife rolled her eyes at me, but didn't try to deny it.

Then I sighed and looked back down at Breanna's birth certificate and vaccine records in my hand. "I'm looking for Breanna's file. The file. You know, the one with—"

I was abruptly cut off by my daughter barging into the bedroom like she owned the world (I mean, technically, she did own my world. But anyway). She had the biggest smile on her face and she had a paper in her hand, its contents partly hidden from my view. "Guess what?!"

I raised a brow. "This better be important, young woman."

"I got a perfect score in our Chemistry exam?!" she squealed excitedly, still sounding a little unsure as if she still thought she was imagining it.

I grinned at her and stood up, taking the paper from her hands. It was a photocopy of the exam and it had a cluster of numbers and letters that I couldn't understand (because I was shit at Chemistry, honestly) and it was void of any red marking, but the one on the top right area where her score and a smiley face was written. I chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You little smartass."

Sarah gave me a warning look for my use of language, but smiled at Breanna. "Great job, sweetie! All your studying definitely payed off."

Breanna then frowned, looking over my shoulder at the pitiful mess I'd created with her files. "Uh, why are my documents scattered all over the ground?"

I pursed my lips and hesitated for a moment. "I was... looking for your birth certificate?"

She eyed my face suspiciously. "You don't sound so sure, dad."

I plastered a tiny smile on my face. "I just like to look at it from time to time; it's been, what, almost sixteen years and sometimes it's just hard to believe I'm a father to such an outstanding young girl."

It was true, though. I did look at the birth certificate from time to time. Just not this time.

Breanna gave me warm hug. "Aw, dad, you're so damn cheesy. I'm right here! Look at me, not the birth certificate!"

She laughed, giving me a kiss on the cheek and retreated out the door.

My wife was sitting on the bed, her eyes seeming to twinkle as she beamed at me.

"What?" I asked, a puzzled expression sketched on my face

She just shook her head and sighed contentedly. I sat beside her, resting my cheek on her hair as she placed her head on my shoulder.

"She grows up so fast," she murmured.

"Yeah," I replied. "She really does. One moment she was a waddling little baby who drools all over the place and clings onto our legs whenever we try to get anywhere and now look at her— she's suddenly turned into a stunning young woman as gorgeous and bright as her mother."

Sarah giggled, slapping my arm playfully. "And as wild, stubborn, and carefree as her father."

"Truthfully, I can't tell if you're complimenting or insulting me."

"It's a little bit of both," she responded. I couldn't see her right now but I could literally hear the smile on her face as she spoke.

I laughed, putting an arm around her and sighing. "I don't know why I'm sad about her growing up."

Sarah was silent for a moment. "She's always be your princess" was all she said.

"And you'll always be my queen."

(A/N): Hello friends. I'm sorry for not updating in so long and that this chapter is so short. I have had this story planned out since day one but like I'm not quite sure how to write it all out so I might put the story on hold.

Also, what do you think the document Brendon was looking for is? :O HAHAHA

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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