Chapter Fifteen

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     Ciel sighed, looked up at me, and said, "Well, I can't get around so do you have a car?" I looked at him puzzled. "Yeah, but - " He waved his hand and said, "I will give you some directions to a shop and we will go there." 

     He then wrote down some very detailed directions.

     Once we were about halfway there he said, "I don't know how, but this man has a shop in every town I come to. It's awfully strange." We pulled into the parking lot and walked up to a dirty shop with a big sign that read, 'UNDERTAKER' in big bold letters. 

     Ciel went in first, I was really reluctant but went inside anyway. An eerie voice out from the dark said, "Ooh, Little Lord are you here for one of my special coffins?" Ciel put his hands on his hips and said, "Undertaker I just need a bit of information that you may have." 

     The man had been laying behind the counter. His appearance was rather odd. His hair was super long and gray, it covered up half of his face. He wore long black robes and a black hat. The other things that were long and dark were his fingernails, that was gross. "Oh, Young Lord your no fun!" Ciel pressed on. "I just need the information on the whereabouts of my butler." 

     Undertaker shook a finger at him, "Nooot without payment!" Ciel sighed, "This isn't the olden days anymore." Undertaker said, "Then let's take a trip down memory lane!" I could feel that Ciel was beginning to get angry. Undertaker turned his head towards me. "And what's your name pretty thing?" I reddened. "I - my name is Amber. We need to know where Sebastian is." 

     He tapped one long nail on the counter. "Nooot without payment!" Ciel then said through gritted teeth,  "You know I'm not good at giving you 'prime laughter' as you call it." Undertaker pointed at me. "What about her?" Ciel looked up at me and asked, "Do you want to try to make him laugh?" I looked over at the strange man and said, "Can you please wait outside?" 

     As Ciel walked out I heard him mumble, "This is stupid." 

     I tried and tried and tried to get that guy to even giggle. Then I just got frustrated and came up to him and kind of shouted. "Why can't you just take money as a bride?! Come on!" He smiled. "And what the hell do you have hidden under all of that hair?!" I grabbed his bangs and I saw his face. He was extremely attractive.... like woah. 

     Those eyes such an intense green. He raised his eyebrows and smiled even more. God, he was hot. I leaned over the counter-top and said loudly, "Take the rest of your clothes off!" He burst out laughing. I probably looked like a ripened tomato. I really should think before I spoke. 

     Ciel entered the shop and asked, "Did you get him to laugh?" "Y-yes...." He looked at the ceiling and said, "I would prefer you not say what happened." I rose my eyebrows and said, "I don't want to say anyway." Ciel looked back over to Undertaker. "Do you know where Sebastian has run off to?" I wondered what he looked like all the time, without that insane hair. 

**** Sorry about the short chapter! It just sorta happens like that! Hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment! **** 


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