Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to Abby, the one that made me love this story.

     I awoke to find a snoozing Sebastian and a warm bed. The room was bright, I watched as the dust lazily moved through the light of the window. I loved the smell of the room, so warm and safe. I needed this. I was less sad, less alone. People didn't like me and I didn't like people. But I liked him. Maybe it was the beginning of something for me. 

     I felt Sebastian shift then groaned and yawned. "Good morning my love. Did you sleep well?" I looked up and smiled, "Yes, you?" He stretched his arms and said, "Yes. I didn't have nightmares or toss and turn. It was rather peaceful. Demons only sleep for luxury, it is not necessary. As it is for Reapers." I was wondering if he was faking being asleep. But I guess not. "Would you care for some breakfast?" I threw my legs over the side of the bed and said, "Yes! That sounds wonderful!" 

     We went into the kitchen were Sebastian made scrambled eggs, biscuits, toast, and bacon. Lord, it was amazing. His food always was. The eggs were light and fluffy. The toast had a wonderful hint of something. The biscuits were buttery and perfect. And finally the bacon was just the right everything, flavor, crispness, and plus it was fried. What more can you ask for? 

     He watched me as I ate and asked, "Is it to your liking?" I tore my gaze away from the food and said, "Yes! It is way more than just 'to my liking'! Your food gets better with each dish." He looked happy with that answer. "Amber I have been here for a while now and it looks to me that you don't have a career. Am I mistaken?" I was really surprised. I was an artist. "Um.... S-Sebastian, I'm and artist." Then I saw the realization cross his face. "My apologies. I just wasn't for sure is all." I was still surprised.

     When I finished my food and put the dishes in the dishwasher, I turned to find Sebastian looking at his lap. He hasn't looked happy since the night before. I couldn't feel right about approching him on that topic though. "Um, Sebastian. I'm gonna go change." He looked up and fake smiled and said, "Alright, I will wait." I felt like I shouldn't have left the room, like maybe if I turned my back for to long he would run. Well, we can't have any of that. 

     I went and changed into a maxi dress and pulled my dark hair into a high ponytail. There wasn't any reason to put on makeup, I never left the building. I rushed into the living room. Thank god, he was still there. "Hey." I said. He tilted his head to the side. "What?" I asked. Then he said, "I am not really this kind. I am usually cold and always being ordered around. I am simply letting this side of me become known. I would hate if we ever became distant." "That's fine with me. How many times can I tell you that I love you?" I could have sworn he reddened a bit, 

     This was becoming awkward, I needed to think of something fast. "With all of these years you have lived you must be good at art!" Yes, I know, it was very random and out of the blue. But I saw his shoulders relax. He said, "Yes, I suppose that I am." I then said with a smile, "Would you like to make some art with me?" He smirked and said, "Yes, that would be wonderful." 

     I got a huge canvas out along with markers, paint, paint pens, crayons, pencils, and lots of towels and water. I decided I didn't want to ruin my dress so I changed again. This time into a paint stained T-shirt and some old cutoffs. 

     As I looked at Sebastian I put my hands on my hips and said, "You can't enjoy this with all of your fancy attire on." He looked down at himself and said, "But I never wear anything else." I went back into my room and dug through the closet until I found a huge white shirt. I came back into the living room and tossed the shirt to him. 

     He undressed and took off all fifty layers he had on. I almost drooled..... it was so hard to look away. Once he had the shirt on I saw it was even large on a tall man like him. "Okay! Let's get to work!" I said merrily. He smiled and nodded.

     I went over to everything and decided what I was going to do. He did the same. Our collaboration was working out. Once I was done drawing I moved to pen. Soon I picked up two large paint brushes and handed one to him. He was just about to dip it into the blue paint when I said, "Stop! Hang on a minute!" I dashed over to the IPod and turned on some music, some nice energetic music. I love the feel of the rhythm in my chest. 

     "Okay, go ahead!" We both dipped our brushes in, then looked at each other and grinned. I stood up and started flinging paint all over the canvas. Splattering paint was so much fun! I noticed how much paint I was getting on Sebastian, he was started to look like a freckled little boy! 

       He wiped his cheeks and the yellow paint smeared, he then said, "I will have my revenge!" He stood up and started chasing me about the room. He finally caught me and swiftly wiped blue paint across my face. Laughing all the while. He too threw his head back and laughed. I caught him off guard, and painted his forehead yellow. "Why you!" he said still laughing. I jumped away from him giggling the whole time. 

     After about thirty minutes he got me around the waist and purred into my ear, "Lets do this again some time." I turned around and pecked him on the nose. I laughed as he turned red. Then I said, "Let's take a look at our masterpiece!" We walked over to the art, hand in hand. 

     It was stunning. It was Sebastian and I holding hands and gazing up at the multicolored stars. The watercolor and pen and acrylic all ran together to make a wonderful memory. I leaned against him and inhaled happily. He said, "It truly is a masterpiece." 

      The rest of the day we mostly talked about art. He had met many famous (not to mention long dead) artists. His accounts of the meetings sounded vibrant and full of life. I could see the light in his eyes as he retold his stories. He said something about trying to teach Ciel to draw, his expression saddened a bit. He got over it and kept talking. 

     I suppose he was never allowed to ramble on like this in the Underworld. I'm sure no one would listen much less care. But I was listening carefully. He talked rather fast once he got going. I wished he had done this more often. His smooth voice was so relaxing, especially after a hard day at play. He really did seem to enjoy himself that day. I wanted more days like that one. But he didn't seem all that happy with his life, I wasn't to happy with mine either. Maybe that is why we loved each other so much. 

****Comment please! I want to see what you guys think!****

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